
     If you don't know what you're looking for, how are you supposed to find it?

That was the only question in the young enderman's head as he traveled through the End to his probably be demise.

He knew his sister didn't want him to go, but he had no other opinions. He wasn't able to resist his queen's calling, there wasn't other opinion.

"She's no good! She'll kill you!"

His sister's voice rang through his head as he remembered something she had once told him years ago.

"You shouldn't go, she'll only hurt you!"

He shook his head. He knew his sister was right, but he didn't have opinions. He had to go, keep going, deeper and deeper. The queen was like a drug that he wasn't able to resist. Her words were a spell, a trap. He was only a puppet on her strings, a toy.

"She is just using you and everyone! She has you under her spell, you have to break free from it!"

The memories hurt, but he kept going. There wasn't anything for him to do.

"Shut the fuck up already!" A voice in the distance made him turn around.

"You're the richest of us! It won't hurt your bank account to pay us all a bit!" Another voice spoke to the voice before.

"That doesn't mean anything!" The first voice screamed.

"Weren't we supposed to be looking for someone?" Third voice asked.

"There's someone!" The second voice exclaimed.

The boy was glaring at the sky and soon three people landed in front of him. They all had weird suits on, reminded him of the Avengers.

"Ay, are ya Ranboo, or something like that?" A male, who looked like Iron man, asked.

"Sly! You can't just talk to a child like that!" The second voice, who seemed to be a lady in a Thor suit, exclaimed.

"I'm not even getting involved to this, I'll just tell The Council we found him," The third voice groaned. He was behind the two others so it was hard to see him.

"C'mon Katz! You're just gonna leave the child to us? What the fuck?" The Iron man, apparently Sly, exclaimed.

"DON'T SWEAR IN FRONT OF A CHILD!" The lady screamed.

"You two have children on your own after all, don't you?" The third voice, Katz?, mentioned.

"That doesn't change anything!" Sly groaned.

"Stop being a bitch Sly!" The lady snapped.

She turned to look at the boy and smiled softly, "Hey, what's your name?"

"R-Ranboo..." He hesitatedly answered.

"Nice to meet you Ranboo! My name is Aphmau, but I'm also known as Lady Thor," The lady, Aphmau, introduced herself. "This is Sly, the son of Iron man. Behind us is Katz, the son of Cyborg."

"Our job seems to be to take ya to The Council," Sly explain sighing.

"Can you come with us?" Aphmau asked carefully.

Ranboo hesitated and looked behind him, but ended up nodding.


     Xavier finally returned and I was able to just casually sit up.

Chet and Haylie just started at me trying to figure out how I was up. Seemed like they were both a bit broken.

"How the fuck is he sitting up?" Chet asked quietly.

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