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[No one]

Xelqua was sitting in his room with Kasen, who looked worried.

"How're you feeling?" Kasen asked carefully from his older brother.

"I don't really know.. I feel horrible for doing everything I did.. I really worried everyone without a reason..." Xelqua mumbled as he played with his thumbs.

"We're going through hard times right now and I know that you feel guilty for everything he has done.." Kasen spoke quietly and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Woah, you're finally becoming an adult," Xelqua smirked, trying to lighten up the atmosphere in the room.

"Hey! I'm 20 years old! I'm already old enough to drink alcohol and get driving licenses! I have been old enough for two years now, so don't call me a child!" Kasen exclaimed jokingly.

"I still remember when you were 17 in the beginning of 2017," Xelqua hummed.

"But that was the year I became 18! Meaning I wasn't really a child anymore!" Kasen protested. "And we still have members that are underaged!" He continued.

"Only ℸ𝙹!¡ᔑ⨅, but she'll be 18 in just a few months," Xelqua hummed.

"When The Council started in 2016 the minor members were; ╎∷∴╎リ, who was 19 when he diedl last year and 16, almost 17, when we met. I was 16, almost 17, too when we met, 𝙹ᓭꖌᔑ∷╎ too. ᒲᔑ𝙹 was 17 in the beginning of 2016. ⍑ᔑ||ꖎ╎ᒷ was 16, almost 17. ꖎ||リ↸𝙹リ, ||ᒷリリ|| and ꖎᒷᓭꖎ╎ᒷ were all almost 16. ∷ᒷᒷ↸ and リᒷ↸, both, became 18 in 2016. ᒲᒷᔑ↸𝙹∴ was almost 17 and ℸ ̣𝙹!¡ᔑ⨅ was almost 15. ᓭ⍑ᒷ∷ᒷリ╎↸|| on the other hand was only 12 when we became The Council," Kasen smiled slightly as he spoke about the past.

"It's been almost 4 years since The Council started, almost 3 years since I joined," Xelqua sighed and looked outside of the window to the backyard of the HQ, where he saw all the graves of their dead siblings.

"Time really flies.." Kasen mumbled and followed Xelqua's eyes through the window.

"How many of us were there in the beginning?" Xelqua inquired quietly.

"There are 38 Originals, and 27 are alive. But if we count the non-Original members, we have 53 members and 42 are alive," Kasen managed to count with his fingers.

"We're really losing members.. But what'd you mean by 38 Originals? I thought there were only 36, if we count ᓵᔑ↸ᒷ too," Xelqua pointed out tilting his head.

"There were 38 members in the original form of The Council. If you go look at the old lists, they'll prove you.." Something about the brunette's voice made the dirty blonde worried. There was something like guiltyness and sadness that he wasn't sure why he would feel that way.

"Alright," Xelqua hummed quietly.


"Is this what you want?" Fyre tilted its head as it looked at Kasen from the side of the practice room.

"You know that Watchers are supposed to know chain magics!" Kasen sighed annoyedly. He was getting frustrated because he wasn't successing with the chain magics he was supposed to know.

"You have to focus more, then it gets easier," Fyre hummed leaning against the wall.

"It's easier said than done!" Kasen exclaimed.

"I know," Fyre hummed so knowingly that it began annoying the younger.

"Fine! I'm giving up!" He exclaimed and began walking towards the door, but got stopped by gray-ish chains that Fyre controlled.

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