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[No one]

Niki kept looking at her brother, who was currently sleeping on the couch, leaning against Tubbo's shoulder. He had been really tired and was barely even awake whenever Niki tried to speak to him. She was getting really worried.

"You're not gonna get another cloak if you go and lose that one too!" An orange haired admin spoke in a warning tone to a brunette Watcher as the duo made their way to the living room.

"I can't promise anything, but I try not to lose it," The brunette grinned before happening to glance at the trio on the couch. "You're still here?"

"We have been told to wait here," Niki answered quietly and glanced worriedly at her brother.

"I'll go ask ᔑꖎ↸ᒷリ," The admin, Van, answered an unasked question and quickly disappeared out of the living room.

"We think you three should get moved to a bedroom because you need rest and we don't want to be so rude to just keep you here on the couch," The brunette, Dexter, explained and sat on the armrest of a armchair in front of the couch.

"Thank you," Niki smiled tiredly. She hadn't slept in days, and it was starting to pay back.

"We still have to wait 'till we get the information and then we can finally start making an actual plan against Sam," Dexter explained dryly. He hated talking about the man who had ruined his brother and taken away his siblings.

"Are you doing researches 'bout the subject or just waiting?" Tubbo inquired, jumping into the conversation.

"We have someone, who knows everything, at least almost, about Jean and the rest of us are reading through all the books we can get our hands on," Dexter explained and pulled out his communicator to type a quick message to someone. "Sorry, Cora and Alliwixe have some problems- And by that I mean Friede and Godiva," He grinned at his mistake.

"Why did you call 'em Cora and Alliwixe?" Tubbo had to ask.

"Cora Friede Bloodworth and Alliwixe Godiva Everbleed are their real names," Dexter explained shortly and put his communicator back away just to pull it back out immediately.

"Why do The Council members go by their second names?" Tubbo inquired. He was really curious about everything.

"Because we all hide our real identities, mostly, or at least used to, some still do, some don't. But anyways, we use our second names to avoid using our birth names in duties, even though we still do that sometimes," The brunette Watcher tried his best to explain the situation.

"Do you know everyone else's names?" Tubbo continued.

"Not really, most of us can't even remember our own birth names," Dexter grinned.

"How is that even possible?" Tubbo asked trying his best not to laugh.

"For example, I remember only my dead name, but not my actual first name or my last name," Dexter admitted grinning.

"It's Dylan Dexter Diamond," Chet pointed out as he passed by the room.

"Oh shit, you're right!" Dexter exclaimed before burying his face on his hands. "Why do I keep forgetting it?" He mumbled.

"You should have seen ᒲᔑ𝙹 every time
ᓭ⍑ᒷリ used his first or last name. He literally never remembers them!" Upton laughed as he walked past the room after Chet.

"I read his name from a report and he looked so confused. Clearly didn't remember his own name," Xelqua grinned following his two friends.

"I don't even remember his name," Kasen admitted walking after the other three of their squad.

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