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[No one]

     A group of three ran through the Original Nether. They were all worried about their friends, who seemed to have disappeared.

"You know where they live?" A lavender haired Watcher asked.

"Yeah," A dirty blonde Watcher nodded.

They stopped in front of a house. They peeked in through the windows and knocked on the door, but the house looked empty.

"Doesn't look good..." A dirty blonde admin gritted his teeth.

"Can you track them down somehow?" The lavender haired Watcher asked worriedly from the other Watcher.

"I can try to.." He hummed as an answer quietly.

He closed his eyes and tried to find something that would help them. All he needed was a small clue, but he wasn't able to find anything.

"Is there any place they could have gone to.?" The dirty blonde admin asked.

"What do you expect from a socially awkward anarchist pig, who is obsessed with potatoes?" The dirty blonde Watcher raised his eyebrows.

"You have a point," The admin grinned.

"We can try to look 'round a bit," The lavender haired Watcher suggested.

The dirty blonde's nodded. The female's idea was good. Standing still like statues wasn't going to help them at all.

"Let's go as a group," The dirty blonde Watcher spoke. He was in charge since he was the only Main in their trio.

"Where are we heading?" The other dirty blonde asked.

"There's a Nether Fortress in that direction. There might be something," The Watcher answered.

The others nodded and they started heading towards the Nether Fortress. They had to find their friends.

[No one]

     A hooded figure walked through an old castle. They kept walking deeper into the castle knowing that there was something they were looking for.

They were limping down old stone stairs that seemed to be leading into an old basement under the castle.

Spiders and mice lurked in the shadows along with some other creatures, but the traveler didn't seem to care about their surroundings.

They knew exactly what they were looking for and they had to find it. They had a mission they had to finish to save the ones they loved. No matter what, this was going to be important and had to be done.

They reached the end of the stairs and glanced at a metal door. The door was bloody and smelt rotten. It didn't bother them, they just opened it and stepped into the room behind the door.

The room was full of corpses of Watchers' and the air was really thick and smelled like rotten and blood. The walls were bloody and the whole place looked like a mass-murder scene, which it probably was.

They bit their lip as they watched the corpses. They didn't mind seeing bodies, but those bodies where bodies of their Watcher-siblings.

They carefully walked to the bodies and started slowly moving them away. They were looking for someone spectacular, kinda disturbing to go through a pile of bodies, but it didn't disturb them.

"And he's not even here..." They groaned as they realized that none of the bodies had belonged to the person they were looking for.

They stood up and walked to the door closing the door behind them. Now they had to climb up the stairs and find another basement.

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