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I glanced at the papers in front of me and sighed. The paperwork wasn't my favorite thing, not even close.

'They're here,' Xavier's voice made me jump and drop my pen on the floor.


I didn't get a chance to do anything as Xavier had already taken control and pulled out my communicator.

¬The Originals¬

Everyone to the emergency meeting
(16.38) room! Our help has arrived!

Right! (16.38)

Got it! (16.39)

Coming! (16.39)

Shit.. (16.39)

You better have a cloak Dex! (16.39)

Yeeeeah, about that... (16.40)

Got ya bitch! (16.40)

Move your asses here! (16.40)
Quick! (16.40)
No time (16.40)
To waste! (16.41)

I just looked at the screen as Xavier closed it and began leading us to the emergency meeting room.

When we got there, many people had already gotten there before us. Everyone was quietly talking to each other. No one knew who was coming, neither did I.

I saw Jaylee and Tatton with The Few and Kasen, Reed and Ned had found their way to Niki, Ranboo, Dream and Tubbo.

I decided to go to Caton, Oskari and Friede.

"ᒷ|| ̇/ᒷꖎ! ᒲ╎リ↸ ℸᒷꖎꖎ╎リ⊣ ⚍ᓭ ∴⍑𝙹'ᓭ ᓵ𝙹ᒲ╎リ⊣?" Friede inquired right as I got to them.

"I would tell you if I knew," I answered.

"You don't know who's coming?" Oskari asked. He seemed a bit surprised.

I shook my head.

"Everyone's here!" Mao information out loud, making everyone shut up.

A huge circular table raised from the floor and everyone gathered around it and turned to look at me.

Then the doors flew open and we all were shocked by what we saw.

[No one]

They had a really damaged Main Watcher cloak and a Watcher mask. Their wings were dark purple and the feathers were in disorder. Their hair was pumpkin orange and the left side of it was short while the right side was long. Their left arm was a bit strangely connected to their body and looked like it would fall off any minute.

"So," Their voice rang through the room as they walked to the table. "Sam has taken the power of an old Watcher Council member, Xelqua Xenos Charles. He was an extremely powerful Watcher, who was killed for falling in love and starting a family. His wife was murdered and their first child, Ethel Ember Charles was given away as she was born to hide their relationship, but The Watcher Council found out about their second child and Xenos was killed," They began explaining.

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