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I laid on my bed inside my little hobbit hole. My head was killing me and my whole body was burning. I felt horrible.

I had so many things I had to do today, but now I wasn't even able to get off bed. I felt so horrible.

I was breathing heavily and I was covered in cold sweat. I felt like throwing up, but I hadn't eaten anything lately. My temperature was probably really high too.

I couldn't feel Xavier anywhere, which explained why I was feeling so horrible. My body needed Xavier, no, our body needed Xavier to be there too. I was too weak to be on my own.

Xavier had mentioned about days when he would get forced our of our mind elsewhere. He was still in my mind, but our of my reach and there was nothing to do about it. I had no idea how long he would be gone.

My communicator kept buzzing in my pocket, but I couldn't pick it up. My body didn't move when I tried. It felt so horrible.

I knew that soon Mao would send someone to come and drag me all the way to the Main HQ if I didn't answer his message. We probably had a meeting today, but I wasn't 100% sure.

I didn't know if the Hermits would notice that I was missing. Maybe Scar or some other of my neighbors, if hey came looking for me.


     "Where the fuck is  ̇/ᒷꖎᑑ⚍ᔑ?" Mao groaned looking up from the pile of papers in front of him.

"Probably in Hermitcraft," Yenny hummed from the couch.

"He isn't answering my messages!" Mao sighed annoyedly.

"Maybe because you're always spamming him," I suggested.

Mao rolled hi eyes and groaned, "Why is it always my fault?"

"リ𝙹ℸ ̣  ᔑꖎ∴ᔑ||ᓭ," Winslow hummed as he came from the library and walked through the office and out of the room.

"Someone go check on him," Mao decided looking at me and Yenny.

"Can't," Yenny answered. "I need to go to the medical center in two minutes," She explained.

"ᓵ⍑ᒷℸ ̣?" Mao's emerald eyes turned to me.

I sighed, "Fine, I'll go see what that little gremlin is up to!"

[No one]

      The End was cold, but the two hooded figure were used to it.

"We shouldn't be here.." The shorter figure spoke.

The taller didn't answer. There wasn't anything to answer, it hadn't been a question.

The shorter bit their lower lip. They didn't like the place, even though it was their home. They glanced at the taller.

"Please.. We have to leave before it's too late.!" They begged from the taller.

"We don't have any other opinions... She wants to meet us.." The taller answers quietly.

"She herself.?" The shorter inquired.

The taller didn't answer, just nodded.

"Why..? Why are we going.?"

"⋏⍜ ⍜⏁⊑⟒⍀ ⍜⌿⟟⋏⟟⍜⋏⌇.." The taller answered in the language the both spoke.

"Please.. We have opinions!" The shorter stopped and took the taller's hand in their's. They didn't look into the other's eyes because that would have made both of them uncomfortable.

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