We're Not Going Down

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Of course the Player Protection Agency had to come and ruin The Council. They all had to just run away to their servers. No messages were sent to each other after that and the silence was tearing them all apart, but they continued standing strong.

The Main HQ got locked up by The Council members before they disappeared, but the Main World was still working. A new council was formed, but of course they weren't as good as the old one.

     Grian (Xelvier) went back to Hermitcraft and continued living without. He kept in contact with Pixlriffs and ZloyXP, who were hiding above Hermitcraft's barrier with now-blind-Xenex. Xisuma had allowed them to stay since he was on the old Council's side. The Hermits didn't know about them being there though.

Grian knew a few of his siblings locations; Hypixel was hiding above his own world's barrier, his friends kept him safe. Taurtis and Ethel went back to the Twilight Forest along with The Few. Tommy, Techno, Dream, Tubbo, Ranboo and Niki went to the Dream Smp to continue normally, not telling the others about them being in The Council. They also let Teni hide above the barrier with Noah.

     Around half a year went by and soon Hermitcraft season 7 came to an end. It was time to move to the next season and Grian was so ready for it!

But also it had been around half a year since he had last spoke to his other siblings than Xenex, ZloyXP and Pixlriffs, who he visited once a week. He even took Xenex for a tour around the server, even if he wasn't able to see anything.

Now was time to move to the next season!

Words: 288

(Thank you so much for reading this book! I can't believe we've already made it through 4 full books!)

(The 5th book: Our Darkest Hours, will be our when I post this chapter so you can go read it right away, but only if you want to!)

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