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I sat on the townhall's roof and looked at the sun that was setting behind the shopping district. Just one more day before we had to go. I was really nervous, I really didn't want to go and face Sam again.

"Xel?" I heard Xenex call and turned around to see him standing on the roof behind me.

"If someone else was here, they would kick your ass for not being formal," I grinned. I missed these a bit peacefully moments with him.

"Oh, shush you! No one's here to hear it!" Xenex punched my shoulder playfully and sat down next to me.

"Hey, do you think we'll be fine.?" I asked quietly. I was starting to feel really anxious.

"We have a plan that should work, I think we'll be fine, but we can't just assume that everything's gonna go like we planned," Xenex admitted sighing. "I just really hope we don't lose any lives this time.." He added quietly.

"Yeah.. We have already lost too many siblings to these cruel wars and we're slowly starting to run out of members..." I whispered painfully. It hurt to remember all the siblings who had died in front of my eyes.

"I don't think we'll be adding any more members to The Council.. We can't last forever, that's just the fact," Xenex sighed. "We don't need new members to our family to replace the ones that have passed. These wars will be the end of us and one day we'll all die. Then it's gonna be time for a new council to rise, but not before all of us are dead," He spoke quietly, but meaningfully.

"The Hermits mentioned that PPA is on us again.. Did you know about that.?" I turned to look at him.

"Only from the news.. We have no idea what they're up to, jut it can't be good.." Xenex grinned.

"I heard they had brought up the case with Kira Fang and the fact that the new Rookies don't really know what's going on with the whole Council," I sighed and glanced at the horizon again.

"They are really trying their best this time.. We don't know if it's possible for us to speak against them anymore.. We're gonna try our best and definitely won't give up, but it isn't gonna be easy.." Xenex admitted, gritting his teeth.

"If they bring up Kira Fang's arresting, we're gonna be so screwed.. People saw her get arrested by us, they saw her screaming and kicking as we dragged her out of the Portal Hub. We never mentioned anything about the arrest to her family because we were stupid and forgot to do research about her..." I grinned. I had been the one who had arrested her and later killed her, but I didn't feel guilty about it.

"We made a mistake and might have to pay for it.. We have to make up an excuse about that.. For example we can say that we just took her to the HQ to clam down and let her go before she was reported missing," Xenex mentioned. We both knew there was an endless amount of excuses we could pull out, but the only problem was that we didn't know if the PPA would believe us.

"We have to at least get the players to trust us because they can get our back if they think that we're actually the good guys here. The PPA can't resist a huge amount of players that are on our side," I pointed out.

"I think ᓭ⍑ᒷリ and ᒲᔑ𝙹 have something planned that'll make the players trust us, but our main priority currently is the war," Xenex grinned. We were really screwed.

"One mistake and we're just doomed, then they'll arrest and replace us.. And that won't be a good thing.."

"Replacing us isn't going to be a good idea on sake of the players because the new members won't know how The Council actually works.."

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