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I woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring at 6:15. I groaned but got up either way.

I opened my curtains to let some of the sunlight from the sunrise in as I did light yoga and stretching. I scripted about how I wanted my day to go along with what I have planned before I took a shower.

After my morning hygiene routine, removing my hair from the roller sets and making myself look presentable, I made breakfast for my sister and myself.

Cassandra came out just in time for her meal and greeted me before dropping compliments on my appearance.

I had my hair in a curly afro, framing my face. I applied mascara and eyeliner along with a dark brown nude lipstick. I wore a black pencil skirt and a pink blouse and matching heels. I looked cute but business-friendly.

We talked to each other for ten minutes as we ate before Cassandra left for the bus stop while I cleaned up before doing the same.

It was 7:30 when I reached the bus stop so I waited for the 7:35 bus to show up.

The bus ride was thirty minutes so I hoped I'd make it in time for my 8:15 interview.

To my luck, the bus appeared three minutes earlier.

I greeted Mr Henry, the elderly bus driver and he greeted me back. I've become relatively familiar with him since I've been taking the bus since my parents passed. Henry always made sure that he could help where he could and checks in on Cassandra and me every once in a while.

I would occasionally give him cookies or cupcakes for his grandkids.

He dropped me off at the bus stop down the street from the huge building of Hernández towers.

I walked into the building at 08:07 and immediately felt out of place. Everything was so tense and rigid. The walls and furniture were a mixture of greys, black or white. The floor was filled with professional people walking around and talking about business matters I assume.

The number of people of colour put me at peace so I relaxed my shoulders as I walked to the receptionist desk.

"Morning... Kate, I'm Nadia Matthews and I'm here for the interview of a personal assistant position," I greeted as Kate looked up at me and rolled her blue eyes.

I was sure she could see the back of her blonde head by how far her eyes rolled back.

"You're late, go to the 21st floor," Kate ridiculed and threw a visitor's pass at me.

I thanked her regardless and walked to the elevator trying to attach the pass to my skirt.

I mindlessly walked to the elevator when it opened and pressed the button with 21 on it.

Just as the elevator doors were sliding closed, a hand poked through and they slid open again.

I looked up at the tall figure standing before me and greeted the man.

He was quite handsome. He had Asian features, more specifically South Korean but I didn't want to make any assumptions.

"You seem to be struggling to clip on your pass, do you mind?" He asked offering help and I let him but I held my skirt waistband out so he wouldn't have to touch me directly.

"Thank you, this stupid plastic stressed me out. What floor are you going to?" I asked when he regained his posture from bending to my waist level.

"Same as you. I'm Christopher btw, however, can call me Chris," he said and extended his hand.

"Nice to meet you, Chris, I'm Nadia," I said shaking his firm hand.

Chris had a charming personality and he was great at carrying conversation during the ride up to the 21st floor.

"I assume you're here for the interview?" Chris asked and I nodded as we stepped out of the elevator.

He looked over my shoulder and called out for someone.

"Hey Jess, can you please make sure Nadia attends her interview with the correct person. Thanks a million, babes," he said to a small brunette woman who ran up to him when he called.

"Yes, Mr Ming. I mean Christopher," she stuttered and looked at the ground blushing.

I looked at Chris and saw him smiling at the effect he had on her. I think it's safe to assume that they have feelings for each other somehow.

"I'll see you around Nadia, bye Jess," Chris said and walked away.

"He's so hot," Jess mumbled in a dreamlike state and I giggled.

"Shit, you heard that?" I nodded and she hit her forehead in embarrassment.

"It's okay, I completely understand," I reassured teasingly and Jess groaned.

"Come on, let me get you to your interview before you miss it," she led me to a large hallway with chairs filled with many women.

"I'm Jessica btw but I prefer Jess with my friends. Good luck and I hope you get the job, I can tell I'd enjoy working with you," Jess hugged me abruptly before leaving.

All the women stared at me as I moved to an empty seat next to the double doors. Some had a look of disgust, some were in awe of something, some just looked up to see who entered and looked back down.

A few minutes passed and a girl left the office with tears rolling down her face making all the women whisper anxiously.

"Matthews," a tall woman with a Hijab called and I stood up.

"Right through here," she ushered and whispered "good luck" as she opened the double doors.

I stepped into the office and saw an old man sitting behind the large desk. He wasn't wrinkly old, more of youthfully old. His black hair, which donned a few strands of grey, was slicked back from his face giving his features more space to shine. His skin was clear and he had a few telltale wrinkles around his eyes and forehead, those were the only signs of age.

"Good morning, Ms Matthews right?" He asked in a thick accent as he stretched out his hand and I nodded, shaking his.

"I must say, you're by far the most qualified person I've had interviewing for this position today. Tell me why you'd want to work for someone else with these qualifications," he appreciated and I was motivated by the fact that I had the qualifications to back me as a candidate.

"I have my own catering business but it alone, can't keep up with my bills as it hasn't grown yet so I put it on hold till I stabilize," I practically meant that "It's not by choice but I have bills to pay,"

"You're honest too, I like you a lot. I have to warn you though, my son is quite the challenge sometimes so if you'll get the job, it won't be easy. He's run through many assistants already," he confessed and I thought about how big of a challenge he must be for the paycheck to be that high.

I've heard stories about how bad the wealthy can be to those of lower class than them and I wouldn't be surprised if that was the type of person I'd be working for. I don't deal with bullshit so we'll have a problem if he is that type of man.

"I've handled the worst, I'm sure I'll be fine," I replied halfheartedly not knowing what was in store for me.

He nodded his head and proceeded to ask me questions. The questions were around my level of flexibility, linguistic skills, calendar, willingness to travel, documentation. All those, I answered and my interview was completed.

I walked out of the office with my head held high. I had a good feeling about this.

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