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Nadia's POV

"Let me know when you land and enjoy," Grace ushered me out of my door with a hug.

I nodded and walked down the driveway to Mateo's car. He stood waiting for me at the passenger side with the door open.

"Hi," I greeted and smiled up at him.

He pulled me in by my waist and tilted my head up with his thumb and pointer finger.

The kiss was gentle. This is the most gentle Mateo has been with me and I melted in his arms. It wasn't long but it was purposeful.

He pulled away and I slowly opened my eyes. Blinking twice while trying to focus on him.

"Hi beautiful," he greeted rubbing my cheek softly.

"Let's get to the airport. The flight is long,"

He moved from the door and let me get in. I settled into my seat and watched him move around his car.

He tucked his hands into his coat pockets while walking. His outfit consisted of brown slacks, a white button-down, black boots and a cream trench coat.

"You look nice," I complimented him when he entered the car.

His lips pulled up into a smile and he thanked me before starting the car. The engine roared to life and we were soon on route to the airport.

I stared through my window and marvelled at the beauty of the daybreak. Through the clouds, the golden rays illuminated the blue sky, giving it an early gold hue. It reminded me of letting your toes squish into the chilly sand at the beach. The sun's rays caressed my skin and provided me with more energy than the coffee I drank to wake up. My morning is off to a terrific start.

The car came to a halt and my door opened. I greeted and thanked Henry before walking up the stairs. Mateo followed closely behind, taking a seat across from me.

"Good morning Mr Hernandez and Ms Matthews. The flight will be 12 hours long and we will be landing in San Marino, Italy. I hope you enjoy the flight, please buckle up for takeoff," Justin announced over the speaker and we put on our seatbelts.

I popped in a piece of gum into my mouth and chewed so my ears don't pop.

Twenty minutes later and we were steady in the air so I pulled out my Kindle.

Time to read some smut.

I scrolled through my options and landed on a book I haven't read yet. Scanning though the plot I figured that it was a roommates to lovers trope. My favourite.

Jason, our male protagonist, is a 24 year old engineering student, decided to put the extra room in his apartment up for rent. Not because he needed the money, but because he needed the company, even though he won't admit it.

That's where Addison comes in. Addy, our 20 year old female protagonist, is an art student who needs a place to stay.

They are polar opposites. Addison is loud , free spirited and all around chaotic. Jason on the other hand is quiet, introverted and a perfectionist.

"What are you doing Addy?" Jason asked in a shaky voice.

Addison adjusted herself on Jason's lap. Her hips settling right on his groin. Shifting to brush against him. This made Jason exhale as his head moved back.

"Nothing. Just seeing how long it takes for you to break," Addison breathed out looking at Jason through her eyelashes.

She started rolling her hips against Jason's now growing erection. His sweatpants did nothing at hiding the fact that he was getting turned on right now.

"Addy, we can't," Jason spoke while gripping her hips, halting their movement.

"Why?" Addison asked in confusion.

The tension is here and it's hotter than ever so why is he stopping her.

"You don't want me, don't you? God, I'm such an idiot. I'm sorry," Addison rambled and tried scurrying off Jason's lap but he pulled her back.

"Why the fuck would you think that Addison?" This was the first time he used her full name since they met.

"You don't know how much you've clouded my mind from the first day you got here. I thought maybe tasting you would get you out of my system but that made it so much worse." He referred to the night he ate her out on the kitchen counter.

"You're all I ever think about and I want you so badly but I don't want to hurt you. I tend to lose myself around you and I can't control the man you make me," he finished and Addison pressed her lips to his.

This resulted in a heated make out session for a few minutes before Addison pulled away.

"Please, I need you," she pulled the string of her robe to untie it before pushing it off. Her blue lace underwear set now on full display.

"Fuck, come here," Jason pulled Addison close before connecting their lips.

It seems whatever internal conflict he had has been resolved.

Jason hooked his arms around Addison's thighs and stood up with their lips still attached. Her legs wrapped around his waist and her arms around his neck.

He walked them to his bedroom and put Addison against his door.

"I need this off," he spoke against her lips and unclasped her bra.

Addison slid her arms out of the garment and tossed it someone in his room.

Jason's mouth moved from her lips to her ears. Kissing, biting and licking before making their way down to her neck.

His lips laid open mouth kisses against her skin. The biting started turning into bruises. He's marking his territory.

"Oh fuck," Addison moaned when Jason found the sweet spot on her neck.

Jason smiled against her skin before moving lower. His mouth capturing -

"What are you reading?" Mateo asked over my shoulder making me pull my Kindle close to my chest.

I looked up at him while he stood smirking at me. Clearly he knows what I was reading.

"Uhm, nothing. Just a romance book, that's all," I answered before locking my Kindle and putting it on the seat next to me.

"I didn't take you as an erotica reader. How about we spend the twelve hours on this flight a bit, differently?" He suggested and I nervously giggled.

Safe to say this is going to be a tiring flight.

I was about to upload two spicy scenes but its a Sunday for heavens sake

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