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Mateo's POV

I hadn't heard from Nadia since the funeral. It's been a week now.

I spun in my office chair and picked up my phone. Opening my contacts, I found the name I was looking for.

"Hi Mateo," Grace greeted over the other end of the phone.

"Grace. I wanted to find out how Nadia is doing?" I spoke and closed my laptop.

My thoughts were consumed by Nadia so I wasn't getting much work done.

"I last spoke to her the day I dropped her home. I wanted to stay but she insisted on being alone to process. I let her be because I've basically been hovering over her since the news dropped. I was going to pop in tomorrow,"

That made me stop dead in my tracks. I thanked Grace and quickly hung up. I know Nadia's not processing. She's shut off and closed everyone out.

I called Joshua when I entered my car. Connecting it to the speaker as I reversed out of my parking spot.

"Hey man, can you hold down the office for me? Something came up," I spoke while stopping at the red light.

"Sure man. Does that have anything to do with Nadia?" He asked and I could hear his smirk already.

I wondered how he knew what was going on.

"I heard you talking to Grace. I got it, go take care of Nadia,"

I thanked him as I pulled into Nadia's driveway. The curtains were drawn and it looked like no one was home.

I locked my car and walked up to the front door.

"Nadia" I shouted as I knocked on the door.

The house remained silent so I looked at the top of her doorframe and I stopped when I felt a key.

I was met with darkness as I opened up Nadia's front door. The house was completely dark and cold. The little bit of sunlight showed a small figure laying on the couch under a blanket.

"Nadia?" I called out and moved closer.

It was her and she was simply staring into the distance.

"Are you okay?" I asked and wanted to slap myself right now.

Of course, she's not okay you fucking idiot.

She lay staring at the black TV screen. Her eyes looked empty, almost soulless. The environment around the couch had chocolate wrappers and a few empty water bottles.

Had she been living like this for the past week?

I felt a pain in my chest at the thought of her laying here for the past week. Cold, alone and surviving on chocolate.

She still hasn't said a word to me since I got here and I knew she probably shut down from shock.

I removed my work jacket and draped it over the single armchair.

Right, where do I start?

A bath, I don't think she could do that for the past week and it could help her relax.

I walked to the bathroom and picked out a lavender-scented bubbles bath.

I opened the faucet of the tub and left it to fill while I figure out a way to get Nadia in.

"Nadia darling, I'm running you a warm bath. Why don't you go get undressed while it's filling up?" I spoke and she simply shook her head.

Still not saying a word.

"Do you want me to help you?" I asked and for the first time, her eyes moved to mine.

She nodded and I took that as a cue to pick her up.

Her arms went around my shoulders to make sure she didn't fall.

I carefully placed her on the bathroom mat and closed the faucet. The smell of lavender filled the room.

I turned back to Nadia and reached for the hem of her hoodie.

"Can I?" I asked and she nodded. Her facial expression was more calculating than before. Like something else was heavily weighing on her mind.

I lifted the material over her chest and off her body. This left her in a tank top and sweats. I helped her strip until she was naked and placed her in the warm bubbly water.

She brought her knees to her chest and rested her head on them, wrapping her arms around herself. She was still staring ahead so I went to my knees to speak to her.

"I'm going to get food started. I'll be back, okay" I rubbed her cheek before standing and leaving the bathroom door open.

I opened her fridge and found chicken, a few vegetables that hadn't gone bad yet and ingredients for a sauce. I decided I'd make chicken Alfredo.

Walking back to the bathroom I found Nadia in the same position I left her. I grabbed a clean washcloth and began washing her.

I spent time cleaning her and released her braids from the bun on top of her head. I pumped some shampoo into my palm and massaged it onto her scalp.

She started relaxing under my touch and I smiled. Progress.

I emptied the tub and rinsed her off with the removable shower head. I conditioned her hair and rinsed that out before I dried her.

I had to blow dry her braids so she wouldn't catch a cold from having cold water dripping down her back. I have to say, the weight of them while wet amazed me.

They got way lighter when they reached a somewhat dry state.

I helped her brush her teeth and moisturize before dressing her in a clean set of pyjamas.

I did all this while cooking so by the time we were done getting her ready, so was the pasta.

I served her a plate and put it on the table in front of us. I picked up the fork and twirled some pasta around it before raising it to her lips.

I watched silently as she opened and visibly relaxed when she started chewing. I repeated this until she finished her plate. I scarfed mine down shortly after and cleaned up the dirty dishes.

I made a mental note to clean up the living room tomorrow morning and carried Nadia back to her room.

I put her in her chair and began stripping the bed. After I changed the sheets I put her headscarf on like I've seen her do and put her under the sheets.

"I'll be right back, just relax okay love,"

The sentence left me so naturally, that I hadn't even realized what I had called her.

I brushed my teeth and flossed before I returned to the room.

I had stripped down to my boxers and turned off the light.

"Do you want the pillow barrier?" I asked hoping she'd decline.

She did.

I climbed under the sheets and pulled her close to me. She snuggled into my warmth and I felt her fast heartbeat.

A strangled sob left her lips and I pulled her closer. Rubbing her back as she cried into the pillow. She turned over and looked up at me. A tear left her eye and I wiped it.

The small act made more stream down her face as she buried her face in my shoulder.

"It's okay, let it out. Don't hold back,"

I comforted her before her body wore itself out and she fell asleep in my arms.

I placed a kiss on her forehead and pulled her closer.

"It's going to be okay. I'm right here," I whispered and wiped her tear-stained face before falling into my own sleep.


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