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Nadia's POV

I woke up with Mateo alone in bed. Mateo's room was empty and so was the spot next to me. All the memories of last night crept back into my mind.

Last night, I got to see a new side of Mateo. A more fragile, softer version of him I had never seen him so exposed, and I knew it took a lot of strength for him to be that vulnerable. It all explains why he is so avoidant and emotionally distant.

When you put so much trust into people and they break it, it sticks with you forever. That is until you go to therapy and heal.

"Good morning,"

Mateo snapped me out of my head by greeting me from the bathroom door. He was covered in water droplets with a towel around his waist. One hand was holding the towel around his waist and the other rubbed his hair dry.

"Uh, good morning," I greeted back in a shaky voice after I pulled my eyes away from his torso.

I got out of bed and stretched my arms over my head. My lower back stretched and cracked making me sigh.

"You should get ready so we leave. We have a lot on the list. The first stop, breakfast," He spoke while walking into his closet.

I nodded and walked to the door. Just when my hand touched the handle Mateo called out for me.

"Yeah?" I asked turning around to face him.

"Thanks for last night, I really needed it," he stood rubbing the back of his neck while looking at his socks.

"It's no problem. I'm here for you, always," I smiled at him and left for my room.

I meant it. He was there for me when I needed him the most and I would be damned if I wasn't there for him when he needs me.

I did my quick morning hygiene routine before picking out an outfit. I decided on black jeans, a grey knit high-neck shirt and a pair of grey vans. Since I will be walking around I decided that minimal makeup would be ideal. Tinted moisturiser, mascara, lip liner and gloss.

It seemed a bit windy out so I grabbed my coat on my way out of the room along with my bag.

I was updating the girls on my trip while walking to the kitchen. I decided to wait for Mateo there plus I needed water.

"Good morning dear, did you sleep well?" Julia greeted me when I walked into the kitchen.

I smiled and greeted her before answering her question.

"I did, thank you. How about you?" 

"I did. I popped in last night to make sure you were okay but you weren't in..." she teased and I felt myself burning up with embarrassment.

I know that Mateo and I didn't do anything risque last night but having his mom know that we spent the night in the same room made me queasy.

"Here you are, I was looking for you. Are you ready to leave?" Mateo asked, interrupting just in time.

I nodded and we said our goodbyes to his mom. We left the house side by side and I felt eyes burning down our backs. I looked around and found no one so I shrugged it off. Mateo opened my car door and I thanked him before climbing in.

That's when I see it. Isaac was staring down at the car from a window. He smiled at me and I gave an awkward smile in return.

"Who were you smiling at?" Mateo asked once he got in the car.

"Isaac," I pointed at the window but he was gone. Like he wasn't even there to begin with.

He made a noise from his throat but said nothing. Instead, he started driving to our first destination.

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