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Nadia's POV

"I'll be okay Dia. I promise to call Grace or you if something happens,"

Cass was currently standing in front of me trying to persuade me to leave. This has been going on for the past 5 minutes.

She didn't throw up through the night. I stayed up to make sure she was okay and she slept soundly through the night.

My anxiety was still through the roof. I have to be on high alert with her. A mere infection could take her out if we didn't act quickly.

My phone vibrated in the pocket of my joggers and I pulled it out.

I'm outside.

Great, Mateo's here. I had no choice but to trust that she'll be okay.

"I'm being serious. Don't hesitate to call me, I'll be on the first flight home. I love you,"

I kissed her cheeks and moved to grab my bags before rushing to the door.

"I love you too Dia. Remember that,"

Cass replied as my hand landed on the door handle.

I turned around to look at her. She had a small almost sad smile on her face.

I blew her a kiss before throwing open the door.

Mateo paced while taking on the phone. He noticed me and started walking towards me, grabbing the bags from my right hand.

I handed him the bags as he placed them in the trunk.

Soon we were taking the familiar road to the airport.

I'm still not over the fact that he had his own private jet and landing strip. No TSA or anything to go through. Rich people have it easy.

"Mr Hernandez, Ms Matthews," Justin, the pilot greeted as we climbed the stairs of the jet.

We greeted him back and moved to our respective seats. I chose a window seat while Mateo opted to sit across from me in the aisle seat.

"Good afternoon. Please buckle up and prepare for takeoff. Jade will be available if you need anything throughout the flight. The flight will be 10 hours so please get comfortable"

Jade, the air hostess, waved at us as she stood in front of the cabin door.

I put on my seatbelt and pressed my fingers into my thighs as the plane began ascending. Only stopping when we were stable in the air.

I looked down at the city as we got further from it. My worry for Cass still stood.

"Stop that," Mateo spoke making me look at him in question.

"You're bouncing your leg. It's irksome"

I apologized and moved to fiddle with my fingers instead.

"Are you okay?"

I was taken aback by the question but nodded either way.

"Just a little anxious,"


Why did he care suddenly?

"Cassandra was sick last night. I have a feeling something bad might happen to her while I'm gone,"

Why did I open up to him?

"Was she still sick this morning?"

"No, she seemed fine,"

"Then don't worry yourself. I'm sure she'll let you know if something happens,"

He reassured and I nodded, finding false comfort in his words.

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