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Nadia's POV

I spent the rest of my Friday with Cassandra, Grace and Jess. We had a girls night. We watched movies while stuffing our faces, gave each other facials, hair masks and manicures. We enjoyed each other's company. Cassandra was the first to tap out so the girls and I moved the party to my room where we spoke about the boys in our lives.

Grace fanned over Joshua and Jess did the same over Chris. The two men were similar in their mannerisms. Both protective and possessive over them. If they're right Mateo should be just like them because birds of a feather, flock together. The boys are all friends so that would make a lot of sense.

It was now Saturday morning, I had just escorted Grace and Jess out after lunch. I took a shower and changed from my pyjamas to a Spongebob shirt with a pair of black leggings. I was currently watching 'You' on Netflix with Cassandra when a loud knock interrupted our viewing. I walked to the door and peeped through the curtain to see who it was.

"I hope you weren't busy Matthews. We have work to do," Mateo stated as he walked in once I opened the door.

"On a Saturday, really Mateo?" I complained and he raised an eyebrow at me.

"You agreed to be ready to work whenever I call or show up. You signed the contract, remember," 

Right, the contract I hadn't read through completely.

Cassandra greeted Mateo and thanked him for the stuff he bought her yesterday. He said she was more than welcome and smiled at her. Cassandra left to her room after that interaction and I led Mateo to the dining table. 

He sat down, opened the bag he carried before pulling out his laptop and a bunch of papers. I walked to my room to get my laptop before returning to the kitchen.

He explained what I'd have to do and I began typing up the spreadsheet. He handed me the information and I sorted it into different categories. I have no idea what time it was but the sun had now disappeared. We have been working for quite some time and we were nowhere near finished.

"You eat pasta right?" I asked as I paused to start making dinner.

Mateo hummed as he stood up to stretch his limbs. He wasn't in slacks today. He was finally in casual clothes, jeans and a black shirt that clung to his muscles. His shirt rose slightly revealing his v-line.

I looked away and started preparing the water for pasta. I wanted to make tomato-based ravioli with meatballs. It is a quick but delicious meal. I walked around the kitchen, preparing the ingredients for the meal as Mateo watched me intensely. I would occasionally look up at him to ask him to pass me a certain spoon or spice. At the end of it, I made him my personal helper.

"Cass, dinner," I yelled and Cassandra walked out of her room.

I served everyone and we sat on the couch eating dinner since the dining table was covered in work. Mateo and I drank red wine with our meal, Cass had guava juice. Mateo asked Cass about her sketching and she spoke animatedly to him. Watching them interact warmed my heart. They seemed comfortable. 

Cassandra felt drowsy after we finished so I made sure she took her medicine before tucking her into bed. I walked back to the kitchen and looked at Mateo trying to figure out what to do with the dishes. I saw him trying to load the dishwasher but I stopped him.

"I'll handle them," I interrupted, taking the plates from his hands.

"That doesn't work. Never got the chance to get it fixed," 

"So you handwash your dishes?" he asked and I nodded while stocking one side of the sink with the plates and spoons.

I opened the hot water faucet and added dish soap as I watched the sink fill up. I felt Mateo staring at me so I slowly looked up at him. He had this weird look in his eyes. They were unusually warm. Maybe it's the wine.

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