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Quick author's note
Hiiii :)

So, I'm back. The past few months have been shit so I took a break from everything. I had to sit with myself and realise that at my mental health is more important than uploading. I've experienced so much grief and heartache in such a short time but as usual, I survived.

I'll be uploading on Sunday's and occasionally Wednesdays.

Thank you once more for the love and support<3

Enjoy :)

Nadia's POV

"It's good to see my favourite co-worker back again," Jessica greeted with a Starbucks coffee in hand.

I thanked her and hugged her. It's weird walking into work again. Everyone was giving me strange looks and I assumed it was because I haven't been at work in the past two, almost three months. Then I realized that I was walking in with Mateo, who insisted on walking in with me this morning.

Not to mind that he couldn't keep his hands to himself the elevator ride up here, thankfully the car was empty. I was now however extremely flustered.

"It's weird being back but I wanted to work. I can't keep myself huddled in my house forever," I replied and leaned on her desk.

"Huddled in your house or Mateo's because last I remember, you were barely home beside a quick outfit change," Jess teased and I groaned before walking away.

"I have work to do Jess,"

I opened my office and sighed. I know I said that I'm ready for work, but it doesn't feel the same. I applied for this job because of Cass and now that she's gone, I feel like I don't want it anymore. I never imagined myself having an office job in the first place. The environment is a bit too stiff for my personality.

I sighed and began working on whatever was on my table. The morning part of my day was spent typing a review of a meeting that was conducted when I was away. I got the main points of the meeting along with a recording so I had a general understanding of what happened. I finished that agenda and moved on to the next file.

"You still busy?" Jess asked after barging into my office.

I stretched and playfully glared at her.

"You can't just barge into my office Jess," I replied bit packed up for lunch

"Yeah, yeah, now let's go get lunch. We have lots to talk about," she spoke and skipped away to her desk.

I walked to Mateo's office and knocked to get his attention. He was nose-deep in work so he wouldn't have noticed me at the door.

"I'm going to get lunch with Jessica, should I bring you anything?" I asked leaning on his doorframe.

His eyes dragged up my figure in a slow movement and I felt warmth spread through my body.

"I'm okay, thanks. Make sure you're back in time for the meeting with Sterling," He replied and I nodded before turning to my office.

I grabbed my bag and locked my door before I walked to the elevator where Jessica was waiting for me.

We were our usually chatty selves as we walked to the bistro. It's like I haven't been gone at all.

Jess filled me in on everything going on between her and Christopher. They're so cute together and I was happy for her, she deserves nothing but the best.

Entering the busy bistro was somehow calming. I forgot how the smell of fresh pastries and seasoned food lingered in the air. All the voices blended in a quiet but loud manner.

We placed our orders and sat down with our juices.

"So, tell me all the tea," Jess placed her head on her arm and leaned forward to pay extra attention.

"There isn't much that happened since we were last together," mentioning the day we went to the club.

"We've been closer and spending a lot of time together lately. He even tried moving some items of mine into his house. We argued about it for a bit before he let me stay at my own house. Anyways, his parents invited me to Italy for Thanksgiving," I sipped on my juice and watched the gears turn in Jessica's head.

"Wait, you're going to Italy for Thanksgiving? And his parents invited you?" She asked in shock and I nodded.

She squealed and excitedly clapped her hands making the people around us turn. I quietly apologised and I told Jessica to hush.

"Don't tell me to hush. This is big. No one meets his family just like that, especially if he doesn't fancy them," Jess explained and I raised my eyebrow at her.

Our order number was just shouted, so I stood to get our food. I handed the hostess our ticket and she passed me the sandwiches.

I handed Jess hers and unravelled mine. I was sighedcontently as I began eating.

"How do you know that Mateo fancies me?" I asked once I swallowed my bite.

"I've been around for a while so I know how he acts around women he likes. Although I've only seen one," Jess stopped herself after that and stuffed her face before I could ask her any more questions.

I checked my phone and realised that I would need to be back at the office soon. 

Great, ten minutes to scarf down an almost footlong sandwich.

We ate in comfortable silence after that and quickly walked back to the office after our lunch. Jessica had papers to pick up from the finance department so she got off on the third floor, leaving me in the elevator alone.

I stepped off the elevator on our floor and began collecting materials to set up for the meeting. I left my office and headed for the conference room. I did rounds around the table, placing down minutes and water bottles at each seat.

The door opened twenty minutes later, making me turn my head to it. Mateo walked in with a group of men behind him. We locked eyes for what felt like forever before I looked down at my lap. 

The meeting began and I watched Mateo charm people as usual. He spoke in a way that could persuade anyone into whatever he was selling. He caught my gaze and smirked making me roll my eyes but that didn't stop the smile tugging my lips.

Two hours flew by surprisingly faster than I thought they would. Maybe it's the fact that I was playing solitaire for most of it. I turned off the lights and set off on my journey back to my office.

Reaching my floor, I found it empty. Jess was long gone and Mateo was nowhere in sight. I checked his office but it was empty. 

I walked into his office and stared out at the sky. It was barely past five and the sun had already begun setting. The sky was now a beautiful blend of orange, pink and purple. The clouds showcase a captivating purple gradient to their orange fluffiness. The sun, a big, distant, burnt orange ball, slowly disappearing behind the city view.

"You ready to go home for the day?" Mateo asked behind me while wrapping his arms around my waist.

I turned to face him while humming. My arms wrapped around his neck and I stared up at him. My fingers weaved themselves into the hair on his nape.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked leaning down to touch his forehead onto mine.

"You need a haircut," I replied lightly tugging the growth.

"I'm trying to grow it out, I want something different. Now let's go home,"

With a smack on my behind he let me go and turned to start collecting his things.

Yeah, let's go home.

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