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Nadia's POV

"You're seriously not coming back to work?" Mateo asked burying his head in my shoulder.

He's been asking me this since we got back together before Christmas. Christmas was almost two weeks ago and he still hasn't let me go.

We went to a ski resort in France on Christmas eve and spent our first Christmas together skiing and making Christmas cookies. We travelled to Cuba before the New Year and spent it there with Mateo's family.

I decided that I would be taking my business seriously this year. I just cleared Cassandra's previous medical debt and I now have enough money to get it off the ground and maybe even a rental building before August.

"I'm not and I hope that you're actually trying to find a new assistant," I replied and moved to look at him.

I was sitting on his lap in his office. I came here after going to view a commercial kitchen where I would operate out of until I buy my own space.

"I am. It's not as easy as you think it is. Many of the people who come in here are women who throw themselves onto me and I don't need that. I have a beautiful girlfriend that I love very much," he kissed my cheek and I felt y cheeks pull into a smile.

"Stop being cheesy, you won't get me back like that," I joked and tried to move off his lap.

"I'm serious. The only woman I want all over me in this office is you,"

His hand started trailing up my skirt over my thigh-highs and I shivered but leaned back into his chest. The other hand wrapped around my waist to hold me there.

"Mateo, Jess could come in at any moment,"

I spoke but made no effort in moving his hands from my body. They felt too good to stop. He just touched me and my body temperature was already rising.

"I told her not to disturb us when you said you were coming to the office today," he coolly replied and spread my thighs to have easier access.

I bit back a moan when his hand finally reached the top of my thigh high. His fingers were cold against my warm inner thighs. 

They gingerly made their way to my pussy and began running up and down my slit over my underwear.

"Do you know how long I've been waiting to fuck you in my office? On this very desk too. I spent hours thinking about you on my desk, bent you over, at my mercy. Especially when you wore those long sundresses. God, those dresses had me sitting here with a hardon for hours while you paraded around the office,"

His fingers skillfully moved the material from my crotch and a finger slipped in while he spoke in my ear.

I was a moaning mess by now. My mind replayed all the times I wore sundresses and caught him staring. I thought i was imagining it but he was actually staring at me. Fantasies running wild in his head. 

Fantasies about me.

My moan came out sounding like a strangled groan when another finger slid into me. They curled and stroked my walls. This caused my head to roll back and my hands gripped the armrest of his chair.

"You're so loud, baby. I thought you were worried about Jess," he mocked and his fingers picked up speed.

His other hand somehow made its way into my blouse and bra.

"Get on my desk. I want to taste you," 

He withdrew his fingers and I stood from his lap to sit on his desk. He pulled me closer by my thighs and went straight to eating me out.

"Oh, fuck," I cried out and gripped the table for support

His fingers entered me again and returned to the stroking motion they previously had.

The sound of my arousal being swished around filled the office along with my laboured breaths and moans. That added to my pleasure and I gripped Mateo's hair when I felt my orgasm closing in on me.

I pulled the strands and Mateo moaned, the vibrations moving like a vibrator on my clit.

"Do that again. Moan into me please," I begged and he did just that.

My thighs closed around his head and shook as my orgasm raked through my muscles. He stayed trapped between my thighs until I felt myself slowly climb down my high. 

"Turn over and put your hands on the edge of the table. Keep them there," Mateo instructed and I turned over to do as he said.

My body just stretched enough to reach the front end of the table. I could feel each of my muscles stretching individually to allow me to be in this position. 

"Make sure you're holding on," 

With that, he pushed into me making me jolt forward. We both moaned at the feeling of each other and let it sink in before he started moving his hips. 

With every forward stroke, I pushed back with an equal amount of force. We were fucking each other until I couldn't take it anymore. 

His hands gripped my hips and pulled me back into him at an unworldly pace. My legs started giving away under me and I struggled to hold myself up.

My arms were starting to sting from moving so much but it pain was more pleasurable than anything else right now. It felt like being restrained.

"Throw this ass back on me. That's it, such a pretty view " he encouraged and I pushed back into him at a faster speed.

"Give me your wrists," 

I removed my arms and put them behind me. I felt a soft material being woven around them and tied snuggly together.

My hands were then used as a handlebar when he returned to fucking me from the back.

He pulled me up by the shoulders and continued ramming into me while one hand moved to rub my clit.

My moans turned into whimpers and cries as my pleasure started bubbling over. It felt too good to form any coherent words.

"I'm gonna come. Are you close?" he groaned out into my ear and I nodded since I can't bring myself to actually answer.

"Fuck, I love you," I caught myself crying out as I came.

Mateo pulled out and he placed me back on his desk, facing him.

"Say it again," he demanded and pushed back into me

"I love you, Mateo. I love you so much," I cried out and he pressed his lips to mine.

His strokes became choppier and he stilled. His moans poured into my mouth and vibrated through me.

He pulled out and moved to grab a tissue from his table to wrap the condom in. He walked to the bathroom and returned with a towel to wipe down my thighs before adjusting my underwear. 

Once my clothes were back on properly, he turned me and untied my wrists. I turned back to see him hand me his loose tie and sit down in his chair.

He had tied my wrists with his tie.

I knotted his tie for him and he pulled me into his lap again but this time I sat across it. He picked up my wrists and massaged them individually before placing a soft kiss on each.

"Do you really love me?" He asked after he placed my wrists down.

"I do. I wanted to tell you when you said it but it slipped my mind. I was only focused on the fact that you loved me and I never got around to saying it. I didn't want to say it during sex but it just came out," I replied and placed a peck on his cheek.

"I don't mind. It made me feel something I never felt," he replied and I remembered the way his face turned when I said it while he fucked me.

"I noticed," I laughed and got up to pee.

"I love you too Matthews,"

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