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Nadia's POV

"I'd love to be your girlfriend," I replied smiling up at him.

He brought his lips down to mine and kissed me. The kiss was filled with so much emotion and need. It held the weight of many unsaid words and mutual feelings.

My heart was plummeting against my ribcage and I could barely keep myself from jumping around in excitement. All my energy was channelled into the kiss.

My hands wound up in his hair. The soft strands grounded me from the feeling of euphoria while our mouths moulded together.

I earned a groan from him when I tugged lightly at his hair. His voice rang through my ears and sent a shiver down my spine.

My second heartbeat started picking up speed at this point.

I was first to pull away from our heated make-out session. My lungs needed their own air but that fantasy was short-lived when I focused on Mateo.

His hair was dishevelled. The once ruly locks were now frizzy and disturbed. His eyes were glazed over and darker, nearly black. His lips were swollen and still glistening.

"Let's get going. We still have to get back to San Marino," he spoke and I shook myself out of the horny frenzy this man put me in.

I gulped down the rest of my wine and grabbed my bag before we left the restaurant.

Mateo held my hand the entire walk down to the car and the whole journey back to San Marino. It's like he was scared to let me go.

I however was trying not to jump his bones at every stop he made. He just looked so fucking hot right now. I don't know if it's the fact that he's my boyfriend now but I wanted him more than ever.

He pulled into a hotel and parked the car before opening my door for me.

"Why are we here? I thought we were going home," I asked him as I climbed out.

"I can't fuck you at home so a hotel it is," he replied and I felt my cheeks warm.

We walked in and Mateo booked us a suite for the night. The receptionist was flirting with him until she saw me with him. She shot me an embarrassed look and her cheeks flushed red before looking down at the monitor. She went back to being professional and handed us our suite key card. Mateo took it before taking my hand and rushing us to the elevator.

We entered the elevator and patiently rode up with the other people in the car.

When the elevator finally arrived at our floor, we rushed from it like teens. Mateo was pulling me to our suite as we were laughing and holding hands.

Before I had a chance to turn around, he tugged me back into his arms, and our lips reconnected. I was hiked up by my thighs and wrapped my legs around Mateo's waist. He pressed us against the door for a few minutes before moving us over to the couch. Our coats and my bag now discarded on the floor.

My thighs straddled his lap while my hands rose to unbutton his shirt. His hands rested on my waist, pressing me down onto his groin.

After breaking off our kiss, I ran my lips down his neck. Licking, biting and sucking as I approached his chest.

My hands reached between us and started unbuckling his belt before unzipping his pants. His clothed erection was now separated from my palm by his underwear. Just as my hand slid into his boxers, his hand stopped mine.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Mateo asked referring to what I was about to do with a shaky voice.

I nodded and lifted my head to press a reassuring kiss on his lips. 

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