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Mateo's POV

"You'll be okay. As I said, my family won't be a problem. If anyone bothers you, let me know and we'll leave immediately," I told Nadia while holding her hand.

We stepped off the plane and walked toward the car I had requested—an Aston Martin DB11.

"Flashy," Nadia joked when I opened her door before getting in myself.

Our bags have already been put into a separate car that will be following close behind.

"Flashy is all I know so get used to it," I replied before revving the engine.

San Marino's surroundings brought back pleasant memories. I spent my entire childhood in this city. My first day of school. My first football game. My first kiss. My first job. Everything started here.

I grinned up at my parents' house as I drove up the long driveway to it. I wonder how many times my parents have added layers to the walls since they were painted the same yellow colour.

"Holy shit, this place is huge," Nadia gasped looking up at my childhood home.

Twelve bedrooms, fifteen bathrooms, two sizable living rooms, a large kitchen, a home theatre and entertainment room, two offices, and a craft area are spread throughout the two stories. The swimming pool and lovely garden were in the backyard.

"Having many kids and extended family calls for a big house bambina. Now let's get inside,"

I unlocked the car door for her, let her out, and then put my hand on her lower back. Before I could even attempt to open the front door myself, it flew open as we approached it.

"il mio dolce ragazzo è tornato. finalmente Mateo, oh sei diventato grande," my aunt Lolita, burst through the door and took me into her small arms.

(Translation: my sweet boy is back. finally Mateo, oh you've grown up,)

Aunt Lolita is my mom's older sister. She's my favourite aunt. She always got me out of trouble with my mom since I was a kid.

"Oh guarda e finalmente ha portato una ragazza. Perché non è bella? Come si chiama?" She side stepped me and directed her attention to Nadia behind me.

(Translation: Oh look and he finally brought a girl over. Why isn't she beautiful. What's her name?)

"Zia Lolita, this is Nadia. Nadia, this is my favourite aunt, Lolita," I introduced them and watched Lolita engulf Nadia in a big hug.

Just like bees to honey, the rest of my aunts came flocking out of the house and right past me.

They engulfed Nadia and I watched her disappear into the wave of Cuban aunties.

"You're here, I was wondering what was causing all the commotion. Nadia," my mom pushed past me and into the crowd of women.

I shook my head and set off to find my father somewhere around the house.

The sound of deep laughter pulled me towards the patio. I immediately knew what the backyard patio looked like before I walked outside.

Cigars. Whiskey. Poker.

My father sat with about six of my uncles at the family outdoor table. They were playing poker with whiskey glasses and cigars in hand.

" My boy, come, sit. Is Nadia here?" My father greeted me and pointed to a chair next to him.

"Padre, Zii. Nadia is here, the women got her before we could enter. I'm sure you'll see her," I greeted and sat down.

(Translation: father, uncles)

"Who's Nadia?" My uncle Richardo asked making the table turn to me.

"Mateo here has himself a fidanzata ," my father replied before taking a long drag of his cigar.

(Translation: girlfriend)

"She's not my girlfriend. Not yet at least," 

I mean it. I plan on making her my girlfriend. Soon.

My father winked at me, raised his drink to mine, and then raised an eyebrow.

"Just don't take too long," he whispered to me and I nodded curtly.

Two glasses of whiskey and a lengthy interrogation from the men in my family later, I stood up to go check up on Nadia.

I first checked the living room where the women usually gather and she wasn't there. Neither was my mom so I figured where I would find her, the kitchen.

And sure enough, I was correct. Together, they were in the kitchen. While my mother was stirring something in a large pot, Nadia was assisting her by peeling potatoes. When I entered, they had already stopped laughing at whatever it was.

"Am I interrupting something?" I asked and they looked at each other before shaking their heads in unison.


"Thank you, dear,  those are enough potatoes. Why don't you wash your hands so Mateo can show you to your room?" My mom told Nadia and I looked at her in confusion.

"The guest bedroom next to yours. Her bags should already be there as well" she clarified and I nodded.

"Right this way bambina,"

Nadia followed close behind as I lead her up the stairs and down the hallway. I passed my siblings' rooms before reaching my own. I opened the door next to it and let Nadia in.

She took a look around the room, and as she approached the enormous windows, a smile spread across her face. The view from this side of the house was my favourite feature. It had views of both San Marino and the backyard. The sky looked breathtaking since the sun was almost setting.

I walked to her and hugged her from behind. Her sweet scent filled my nostrils and I sighed. I feel like I haven't been close to her in ages although it was most probably two or three hours. She leaned her head on my chest but continued staring out of the window. 

"It's beautiful here," she murmured and I hummed in response.

"Are you okay? I hope my aunts didn't overwhelm you. They tend to be a bit forward at times," 

"They're really nice. Especially Lolita. She told me many of your childhood stories, I didn't know you were such a spontaneous kid," she giggled and I groaned.

Of course aunt Lolita told her those.

"I wonder what happened," that made me freeze momentarily.

She must have sensed the change in my body language because she turned to face me.

"Experiences change people. Sometimes not by choice," I replied and stepped back to sit on the bed.

"Come here," I instructed and opened my arms.

Nadia walked toward me and stopped in front of me but I pulled her down to my lap.

We just sat there in each other's presence. My head rested on her chest, listening to her heartbeat. Her fingers raked through my hair making me feel more at peace.

"It's sad that I can't sleep with you," I stated and Nadia chuckled

"It's just a few days,"

"A few days too many. How will I go to sleep at night?" I asked and she giggled again.

She doesn't think I'm serious but I am. I've gotten used to holding her when I fall asleep. She's like my personal safety blanket.

A knock on the door made both of us turn towards it. Nadia tried getting off me but I pulled her back onto me.

"Come in," I shouted holding down Nadia from moving.

The door opened and Isabel walked in.

Nadia hopped off me and hugged Isabel. They did their girl squeal and I took it as my cue to leave.

Great, who will I spend time with now?

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