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Nadia's POV

I smiled at my appearance in the mirror. Liam is taking me out for dinner tonight so I dressed up.

I wore a red silk dress. The dress flowed with my body like it was made for me. The front flowed easily over my chest, plunging slightly to expose some cleavage. The back was open, barely revealing my tattoo on the side of my ribcage. It stopped just under my midthigh.

I left my braids to fall down my sides and back. It added a bit of coverage to the slightly risque dress. I grabbed my black bag and walked to the door as Liam knocked.

I opened the door and smiled when I was faced with a bouquet of tulips.

"You look beautiful as always. These are for you by the way," Liam handed me the flowers and I thanked him with a kiss on the cheek.

I invited him in while I went to put on my gold ankle strap heels. I added small gold earrings and a bracelet before I left my room. 

Liam was pacing as he spoke on his phone in a hushed tone. He looked up at me when he heard my heels and ended the call. He looked a bit tense as he smiled at me.

"Everything okay?" I asked walking to him.

He nodded and kissed my hand when he lifted it.

"Just family. Let's get going shall we?"

We left and my mind wondered throughout the car ride.

Liam never really spoke about his family. Every time I brought it up he would avoid the topic or give Google search answers.

Divorced parents. Dead mom. Wealthy father. Only child. That's all i knew about his family.

Come to think of it, I don't know much about him. He tells me the basics but I don't know what makes him tick. What makes him different from all the other "good guys" out there.

"Nadia?" He called out while holding my hand. This snapped me out of my train of thought.


"I said we're here," he replied and I looked out at the restaurant.

"Sorry about that," I replied, taking his hand and walking up to the host.

We were led through the restaurant to a table in a private area. It was more secluded from the rest of the tables. The table was close to the fireplace and was less lit than the rest of the restaurant.

Our waiter appeared shortly after we both got seated. I ordered a glass of wine while Liam had the non-alcoholic version. He was driving us home after all.

We spoke over the soft music and my phone started vibrating on the table. I groaned as I looked at the caller ID.

"Sorry, I have to take this," I excused as I stood up to answer the call.

I took my wineglass with me because I never leave my drink unattended. That plus everything Mateo tells me to do on a weekend requires a strong glass of wine.

"Hello," I answered when I was a respectable distance away from Liam.

"You need to come over now. I'll send Henry to pick you up in five minutes,"

Is he serious right now?

"Mateo, I'm not even home right now. Is it an emergency?"

"I wouldn't call you if it wasn't. Plus I don't care where you are. Remember who you signed your time away to,"

I groaned as I took a swing of my wine. See, it's handy after all.

"Where are you?"

The one question I dreaded answering.

"Out, at the kitchen,"

I answered looking at Liam. He gave me a small smile and my heart jumped at the next question.

"With who?"

I could hear him narrowing his eyes at me right now.

"A friend,"

A friend? Really Nadia. Did you just tell your boss your boyfriend is 'a friend'? What kind of girlfriend says that?

"Henry will be over to pick you up in five minutes,"

Mateo hung up after that and I sighed as I stared at my black phone screen. I groaned and walked back to the table.

"I assume our date is over," Liam asked when I sat down again.

"I'm really sorry about this. I'll make it up to you,"

"It's no problem, love. I understand that your job is demanding. I'll drop you back home,"

"Actually there's a driver that's on his way to pick me up. I'm going to Ma- Mr Hernandez's house,"


Yeah, I fucked up.

I looked up and Liam looked at his wine glass. He swirled the contents around as we sat in silence.

He called over the waiter and paid for our drinks. Despite my offer to do so.

I got a message from Henry stating he was outside so we left the restaurant together.

"Let me know when you're home safely," Liam said as we stood at the open door of the car.

I nodded and he leaned down to connect our lips. I froze momentarily as I waited for the butterflies to kick in but they didn't. They never have.

I kissed him back before I pulled away. We parted ways as I slid into the car. A small sigh escaped my lips as I sat with my thoughts.

When Mateo and I had kissed in Paris, I felt warmth. Comfort, safety, butterflies.

Kissing Liam was the complete opposite. I thought it would change after the first kiss but I never felt the connection whenever we kissed.

I cared for Liam, but I don't think we would work out.

Okay, is that true or am I just trying to find a way to kiss my boss?

Ah, yes the boss that made it clear that I never stand a chance with him.

I need to get my life in order.

Henry turned into an apartment complex and parked the car before leading me to an elevator. He entered a code and the elevator started rising till it opened into a beautiful penthouse.

The design screamed Mateo. Shades of black, white and grey littered the walls. The furniture as well. It looked as sleek and rigid as the owner.

"Thank you, Henry. You are dismissed for the night," Mateo instructed as he rounded a corner.

Henry nodded, wishing us both a good night before he returned to the elevator. I watched as the doors slid closed, leaving me with my boss.

"Follow me, Matthews,"

I followed Mateo upstairs and down a corridor before he opened a door.

Of course, this workaholic has an at-home office. I looked around the office in sheer horror as papers were sprawled out everywhere. From his floor to the ottoman in the corner.

The bookshelf was overplied with files and boxes. Each has a company name of some sort.

"What the heck is going on here?" I asked finally turning to Mateo.

"That's what I need you to figure out. I was looking for a file on Tuksin and one thing led to all this. I need you to fix it," he explained and I stared at him.

"Mateo, you called me from a date to file papers and organise stuff? Are you serious?" I was now fuming.

"So I was right. You were on a date,"

"For god's sake. You're so infuriating," i groaned and turned away before I throw my bag at him.

"Look, just fix this and you can go home,"

I sighed and placed my bag down on a chair. I removed a hair tie and tied up my braids into a bun.

I removed my heels and placed them on the floor next to my bag.

This is going to be a long night

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