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Nadia's POV

"So what do you think?" Peter, the realtor, asked when we finished touring the building once more.

Today's mission was scouting for places to renovate and furnish for my business to run out of. I've viewed a total of five places so far and none of them stuck out or called my name. 

This one however had something about it that brought me back. It is the second time I have viewed this exact building. It kept lingering in the back of my mind since I first saw it.

"It needs a lot of work done but considering the demographics and customer flow, it will be worth it," I thought aloud and walked to the window overlooking the street.

Suddenly a butterfly landed on the seal and sat facing me. 

"I'll take it," I answered staring down at the butterfly as it took off into the sun.

"Smart choice, Ms Matthews. Let me just get the contract, I'll be right back," 

I nodded in response and looked around my new workplace. I have a vision for this space and if I wanted to get it done as early as possible, I need to find a contractor.

My phone started ringing in my earpiece so I tapped to answer.

"Hi mi amore, how's scouting going?" Mateo asked and I told him that I chose a building.

"That's great news, love. We'll go out to celebrate, I'll be waiting when you get home,"

"Okay, I got to go. I'll be home soon," I responded once Peter walked back in.

"Okay baby, I love you," which brought a happy smile across my face.

"I love you too, bye," I hung up and put my phone back into my purse.

Peter handed me the contract and I put it in my folder so my lawyer could review it before I sign.

"You can collect the keys whenever you bring in the contract and the bank details are on there as well," he explained and I nodded.

"I'll be in contact," I spoke and we shook hands before parting ways.

I called Fiona, my lawyer, and asked if she was available to review the contract for me. To my surprise, she was in the office and free for an hour.

I got in my car, well Mateo's car that I drive, and set off for her office. 

Thankfully the drive wasn't long. Ten minutes later and I was walking into the firm.

"Good afternoon, I'm here to see Ms Richardson," I greeted the receptionist and she handed me a visitor pass along with directions to the office.

I thanked her and walked to the elevator that took me to the correct floor.

I found Fiona's door and knocked before entering after she gave me the go-ahead.

"Well, you look gorgeous. All that for property scouting?" Fiona spoke when I stepped into her office.

I was wearing a white blouse with royal blue work pants and a black coat for warmth. I had a straight black lace wig installed for the first time since my college graduation so I felt and looked like I had money to run a business. 

That's something I needed to do while hunting for properties as a black woman. Realtors might have the preconceived idea that I could not afford the buildings if I showed up looking otherwise.

"You know how it is. I need to look the part of a trustworthy business owner. Even though they've seen my bank statements. Anyways, here you go," 

I handed her the document and she took it from me.

Twenty minutes later I was out of the office with the signed document in hand.

I made my way to the realtor's office to hand in the contract. Thankfully I had my chequebook with me so I signed him a cheque to cash in.

"Here are your keys, good luck with your business," Peter said and I took my keys from him.

I threw the keys into my bag and walked back out of the building.

The drive home was peaceful and I finally had time to process the day.

I felt my eyes welling up with happy tears and they rolled down my cheeks.

I didn't even notice until I parked the car and looked in the rearview mirror.

My eyes were slightly red and my mascara was partly smudged.

I dabbed my cheeks dry with a tissue before collecting all my stuff.

I walked into the elevator and pressed the code for the penthouse.

My phone vibrated so I pulled it out to see what came up. It was an email so I decided to check through all of them as I walked through the elevator.

"Babe, I'm home," I yelled and looked up from my phone.

Mateo stood with a bouquet of roses in his hand while dressed in a burgundy suit.

"What's all this for?" I asked dropping my purse on the foyer table.

"To celebrate my beautiful girl," he replied and pulled me in for a quick kiss.

"Thank you. You didn't have to, dinner would have been enough,"

"I wanted to now go shower and get ready before we're late," he smacked my butt and sent me off in the direction of the stairs.

Getting ready took less than thirty minutes and I was back downstairs.

"I'm ready," I stated and found Mateo placing the roses in a vase.

He looked up from the flowers and trailed his eyes down my figure.

"Do a twirl for me," he instructed and I turned in my heels.

"Fucking perfect,"

"Thank you, now let's go before we get late remember," I replied flustered while shifting on my heels.

"I don't mind being late and neither will the restaurant. I have a few things I want to take care of first," he replied slowly walking towards me.

This made me take cautious steps back until I hit a wall.

"Things like?" I nervously asked, looking up at him.


He was now in front of me and I was squirming against the wall.

It's been months and this man still manages to make me flustered.

Just in time, my stomach grumbled.

He pulled away laughing and took my hand instead.

"Let's get you dinner," he pulled me to the elevator and I grabbed my coat.

"So we can get home and I can have my dinner,"

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