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Nadia's POV

I sat on the floor at the base of the ottoman. I've sat here for the past I don't even know how many hours. There were way more papers than expected. It's like whenever I finished one file, three more appeared.

Mateo hasn't been helping either. He just sat in his office chair, typing. His mood was sour now.

I sighed frustratedly as I stood to walk to my bag. I needed to check in on Cassandra. I told her that I am over at Mateo's house when I was in the car but I never saw her response.

I let out a breath as I saw her reply once my screen was on.

Cass: okay, so I assume you'll be spending the night?

I looked at the time and cursed. 23:48.

I looked around the room and I was nowhere near finishing. 

Me: I think so. Or I'll be in later

Cass: okay, stay safe sis. Goodnight, I love you <3

Me: I love you too buttface.

I locked my phone and continued filing papers.

The room was silent. Only filled with the sound of me flipping through papers and Mateo pressing down on the laptop keys.

My stomach decided now would be the time to make my hunger known.

I mentally cursed when Mateo snickered.

"Is someone hungry?" He asked now clearly amused by my stomach that wouldn't shut it.

"You ruined my night before I could have dinner. Remember?" I reminded as I stood up to stretch.

I sighed contently as my muscles stretched. A small crack came from my stiff back as I turned.

"Well, let me make it up to you," he got up and left the office.

I followed looking around as we walked down the hall. His house was an accurate representation of Mateo as a person.

Dark and collected.

We made it down the steps and to the kitchen. Mateo opened his fridge and pulled out a frozen pizza.

"Frozen pizza, really?" I asked shocked that a multibillionaire eats frozen food.

"I already went out for dinner. It's this or starve for the night,"

I shrugged and he opened the box to place it into the oven.

I busied myself on my phone while the pizza heated. It was the closest distraction instead of meeting Mateo's gaze.

"What do you want to drink? Wine, juice, cool drink, water?" Mateo asked as he reached up to get a wine glass from the cabinet.

"Wine please,"

"Drinking on the job. That's a big no go," he joked while pouring wine in two glasses.

"Don't tell my boss. I'm already not in the good books with him,"

He slid me my glass and I thanked him. I swirled the wine and I sipped letting the liquid run down my throat.

The oven timer went off and Mateo turned to remove the pizza.

I watched as he pulled out two plates and separated four slices. He placed two on each plate. He passed me a plate along with cutlery.

I eyed him weirdly and he put back the evidence of the crime he was so close to committing.

We moved to his lounge. We sat down on the long couch set and he turned on his TV.

We decided to watch Lucifer while eating. Mateo had brought the rest of the pizza to the lounge so I was currently on my third slice.

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