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Nadia's POV

The past three weeks have been heaven on earth.

Mateo has been the best boyfriend and friend in general. Flowers, gifts, kisses, dates. You name it, he's done it. It might be weird to some but I could see he's trying his best with past trauma in relationships.

We were currently having our friends over for lunch at Mateo's. Joshua, Grace, Jess, Chris, Isabel and Nathan, Isabel's beau, arrived in pairs at 12. 

I briefly remembered Nathan from the club when we went out as a group. Mateo told me he was the bouncer that took Isabel home after we got wasted. Of course, he threatened to end Nathan's existence if he hurt Isabel but he doesn't seem like the type.

I made mac and cheese with grilled chicken, caesar salad and cornbread. We had oreo lava cake for dessert. Safe to say that no one was hungry.

We were now talking about life in the lounge. I was leaning into Mateo's side while we faced Grace and Joshua. Isabel was next to us with Nathan by her side and Jess next to them on a separate loveseat.

"So, are you guys dating yet?" Josh asked staring at Mateo and I.

We looked at each other and Mateo raised his eyebrow at me to tell them.

He wanted to do it when we returned from Italy but knew I didn't want it to get out so soon. Not because I was ashamed of being with him but because I wanted to give my brain time to get used to being with someone.

I just nodded and the girls shot up in excitement.

"Pay up," Grace told Josh and held her hand out.

Mateo and I watched in confusion when Josh, Chris and even Nathan took out their wallets. They handed the girls five one hundred bills with annoyed looks.

"You guys bet on us?" I asked in disbelief but I wanted to laugh my ass off.

"Yup. Easy money too. The boys said after Christmas, we said before," Jess replied and stuffed the money into her jogger pocket.

"Couldn't you just wait for one more week bro?" Chris asked Mateo slouching over in defeat.

"Sorry man but the past three weeks has been bliss," Mateo answered and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Three weeks and you didn't tell us?" Isabel asked in mock horror.

I offered an apology through my smile and they began badgering us on how it happened. I told them about that night but I skipped the sex part for obvious reasons. They congratulated us and we decided to play games for the next few hours. 

What was supposed to be lunch turned into ordering pizza and wings for dinner. They all finally left at 11 and we could go to bed.

I rubbed my cleanser in my fingers before applying it to my wet face. Mateo was brushing his teeth at the second sink next to me. We were doing our night routine in silence, as usual.

"I think I'm going to finish packing tomorrow," I spoke breaking the silence.

I had gradually started to pack the house, as my therapist had advised. It has been difficult for me to live alone in my family's house, and Mikaela advised me to let go and move on. I can't just up and leave that house because I've lived there all my life. She came up with the idea of doing it slowly.

I've been packing piece by piece. I packed up my room, first seeing as I basically live with Mateo now, then I did the sitting room, and then the kitchen and tomorrow I'll be tackling the hardest room. Cassandra's room.

"Do you want me to come with you?" He asked like he has been for the past few weeks.

"Nope, I'll be okay and I'll call if I'm not," I replied and he nodded.

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