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It's been three days since my interview and it was now Friday morning. I was doing the laundry when I got the call saying that I was selected for the job and that  I start on Monday.

I immediately called Grace and she congratulated me on landing the job.

"I'm coming to get you at nine. We're going out to celebrate, no arguing," Grace announced and I rolled my eyes.

Grace was always more of a party girl compared to me so her wanting to go out on a Friday night wasn't anything new. Now she just had an excuse to get wasted.

"You know I don't like going out," I tried but Grace quickly shut me down.

"You haven't been out since my birthday and that was three months ago. You're coming whether or not you like it. Now I need to go back to work, I'll see you later. Love ya," and with that our conversation was over.

I sighed and continued doing the laundry as I made lunch for myself and Cassandra. I made tuna sandwiches with a side of coleslaw.

At two-thirty, the door opened and Cassandra walked in groaned.

"I freaking hate school," she grunted throwing herself into my arms.

I just laughed and embraced her before pulling away with a raised eyebrow.

"What happened now?" I asked because last time she said that, it was because her teacher gave them a group project. She hates socializing in case you haven't picked that up yet.

"Nothing, I just hate it. Do I really need it? No, I don't think they ask for academic qualifications to be a stripper," she mumbled the last part as she walked to her room to change out of her uniform.

She returned five minutes later in shorts, a tank top and a pair of socks.

"Oh tuna and coleslaw, what's the occasion?" She asked picking up the grilled goodness and biting into it, sighing in enjoyment.

"I got the job," I announced and she slowed her chewing while looking at me.

She swallowed and put down the toast before jumping into my arms, shrieking.

"Congrats sis, i knew you could get it," she said and squeezed me while jumping up and down.

"Calm down before you hurt yourself," I answered laughing lightly at her excitement and she rolled her eyes pulling away.

"Yeah yeah. Are you going out to celebrate?" She asked as she serves herself food.

"Grace's taking me out later by force. I'll call Ms-"

"No. I'm not letting Ms Grewar in, I'm old enough to be left alone," she defended and stifled out a cough.

She let it out followed by a series of coughs while holding her chest.

I ran and got her water that she gulped down as her coughing died down.

"Are you okay? Do you need your pumps? Should I-" I started frantically asking as I helped her down on a chair on our small dining table.

"I'm fine Dia, go out. Have fun. It's just the spice in the tuna," she reassured but something in her eye told me otherwise.

"I'm serious boo, I'm okay," she insisted and hugged me.

I hugged her back, breathing in her scent of lemon and chamomile. It was earthy but a natural and beautiful scent. She calmed me down with it.

I pulled away and placed a kiss on her forehead before serving myself.

We ate and spoke about random topics before I washed up the dishes while she went to lay down for her afternoon nap.

It was now six o'clock and I had just finished showering when I heard the house door open.

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