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Quick A/N

holy freaking smokes. We hit 1.5k reads. Just last week it was at 600. Thank you all for the love and support you've been giving my book while I was gone. I started university and my mental health hasn't been the best but I'm still going to try and stick to the upload dates. I love you all so much and thank you again <3

enjoy reading :)

Nadia's POV

I thanked Henry again as I walked toward my house.

I couldn't face Mateo today knowing that he had seen me naked and I almost kissed him.

To my luck, he left a note stating that Henry will be available to take me home whenever I'm ready.

I got out of there as quickly as I could.

At least that night proved something to me. I need to break up with Liam. I can't keep leading him on.

"Good morning," Cass greeted sitting in the lounge with a bowl of cereal in her hands.

"Morning," I greeted as I walked to my room.

I changed out of my dress and into a pair of pink shorts with a black shirt.

I walked back to the kitchen to make myself my own breakfast. I poured cornflakes into the bowl before adding coconut yoghurt and honey.

I sighed as the sweet goodness crunched in my mouth. I sat down next to Cass and we watched chopped while we ate.

"How was your date with Liam last night?"

I swallowed before I answered

"It was cut short. Mateo called so I had to leave early,"

She hummed and continued eating. After a few spoons, she spoke again.

"Can I ask you a question?"

I nodded and turned to face her.

"Do you like Mateo?"

I choked on my cereal staring at her with wide eyes while she just smiled.

"Why would you think that?" I asked while coughing to clear out any cereal from my throat.

"I see the way you look at him. It's like you have hearts in your eyes. You, however, don't look at Liam like that,"

I groaned and stared at the ceiling. The last thing I need right now is my sister asking questions about my love life.

She shrugged and stood up to go wash her bowl.

The rest of my Sunday was spent wallowing in my guilt. I felt like a terrible person for feeling whatever I felt towards Mateo while having someone as caring as Liam.

Now I was arranging the conference room for a meeting.

Mateo was back to his closed-off self. I avoided him like the plague. It's extremely hard to do when he's my boss.

It was now five minutes till the meeting was scheduled to begin and Mateo walked in followed by ten men. One of them being Liam.

I cursed silently as I sat down at my desk away from everyone.

I could feel Liam glancing at me but I kept my attention focused on the PowerPoint.

The meeting ended and I packed up my desk as the men shuffled out.

A pair of shoes stood before my table and I looked up.

"Hey, are you okay?" Liam asked with genuine concern filling his eyes.

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