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Authors note

Sorry for not updating, I got an ear infection so I've been sick. Also, I'm nearing my exam time in uni so I'll only be uploading on Sundays. Thank you all so much for the insane amount of interaction I've been getting on the book. I really appreciate it.

Mateo's POV

Today was Cassandra's funeral and I watched as Nadia stood to give her speech. She smoothed down her black dress and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

These past few weeks have been hell for her. She shed a single tear the day Cassandra's death was announced. I've never seen her cry since that day. It's like she became numb.

"Thank you all for being here. I didn't think I'd be doing this so soon yet here I am. Cassandra was the most beautiful person anyone could encounter. Inside and out. Today's turnout is clear proof of that. If you didn't know Cassandra, she was the type of girl who would make sure you had a good day regardless of what she was going through. She always put a smile on everyone's face and would hate seeing anyone sad right now. She'd want us to celebrate her life. So that's what I'm going to do today, celebrate the life of Cassandra Fiona Matthews. It has been an honour to be her sister, guardian and friend. She will be missed greatly but she will never be forgotten. Rest peacefully my little sunflower,"

With that, she stepped off the podium and returned to her seat next to mine.

I placed my hand over her's and we stayed like that until it was time to lower the casket.

She accepted condolences after the funeral had ended.

Right now, she was standing with my mom. They were talking to each other and my mom pulled her in for an embrace.

"How is she?" My dad asked coming from behind me.

I looked at him before my eyes moved back to Nadia. I washed as she gave my mom a smile but I could see the hurt behind it.

"She's trying her best. I think she just needs time to heal," I replied and my dad put his hand on my shoulder.

"She needs you. Be there for her,"

With that, he walked toward the two women.

I watched as my dad embraced her in a fatherly hug. She accepted it and they pulled away after that. They spoke for a bit before my parents left.

I took that opportunity to walk up to her.

"Hey," I greeted since this was the first time we'd spoken today.

"Hi," her small voice greeted me back and it was like a dagger to my heart.

"Do you need anything?" I asked and my eyes moved down to her lips when she chewed the inside.

"I'm okay. I'll just go home and rest. Thank you for being here for me. You're a really good friend,"

That last line was the final nail in the coffin.

I swallowed and nodded. Not trusting myself to say anything.

"You need a ride home?"

"Ah, Grace is taking me home. She'll stay with me for a while before I go back to work," she avoided my eyes and looked at the ground.

Just then Grace approached us with Joshua behind her.

Joshua and I did our usual greeting and spoke while Grace and Nadia held their own conversation a few feet away.

I hadn't realised that I was zoned out while looking at Nadia until Josh elbowed me.

"What?" I asked in annoyance while holding my side.

"You're whipped man," Josh laughed and I groaned.

I loved Joshua like a brother but he was annoying, especially in moments like this. He'll never let me see it down.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I defended my ego but he could clearly see through my lie.

I am Mateo Hernandez, the multibillionaire bachelor. I've settled down once and never again. I promised myself to never let a woman in and I intended to keep that promise. Well at least try to. Nadia is a different story. She hasn't flung herself at me and weirdly enough, I like that about her.

"Does she know or are you just gawking at her from afar?" Josh asked now staring at the two women.

I chuckled at his question. Nadia has made it clear that she simply sees me as a friend and that's not going to change.

"We're just friends Josh," 

He scoffed at my answer and Grace walked to us. This was my saving moment since Josh kept quiet.

"I'll be taking Nadia home now. See you later," she pressed a kiss on Joshua's cheek before turning to leave.

Nadia waved us goodbye and I nodded my head.

Josh however was stuck in whatever trance Grace had him in.

"And you say I'm whipped," I laughed and walked to my car.

The ride to my apartment was quiet. My mind started to think back to the conversation I had with Cassandra the night I slept at Nadia's.

I woke up and climbed out of bed, as quietly as I could so I don't wake Nadia up. I put on my clothes and slowly opened the door. She shifted but continued sleeping peacefully. I sighed as I walked to the kitchen. 

I stopped in my tracks as I heard the muffled sound of vomit hitting the toilet.

I continued walking to the kitchen and I poured a glass of water. I drank from it and the toilet flushed. I heard the faucet run before it was closed again. Cassandra walked out of the bathroom and into the kitchen. She looked at me but ignored my presence as she pulled out some juice from the fridge. She poured the juice into a glass.

She sipped from it slowly and I decided to break the tense silence.

"You're sick again aren't you?" I watched as her face dropped. She looked at the ground in sadness and my assumptions were right.

"Don't tell Nadia, please. She already does so much for me and I don't think this will end well," she stated and I knew what she meant.

"She's your sister. She deserves to know," I stated honestly. I would be torn if I found out late about a family member's sickness. What more of my younger sister.

"I know but she's happier now. Grace, Jess and you make her happier. She spends fewer days at home watching my every move, waiting for me to show signs of any illness. She's starting to live. I don't want to take that away from her. I see the way you look at her, you care for my sister deeply. More than a normal boss would,"

I said nothing, I just listened. I did care for Nadia but it was purely a friendship way. I want to be friends with her.

"All I ask is that you don't mention this to her and that you care for her when I'm gone. My sister is stubborn. She doesn't like depending on people or accepting help but please don't give up on her. Get her to accept my passing and move on. Get her to get out of this apartment. Get her to achieve all she wanted. Please, Mateo, that's all I ask. Can you promise me that? As a friend of Nadia's, can I trust you with this?"

I stared at the teenager in front of me in shock. She wasn't even afraid of dying, she spoke of death like she has been prepared. I walked over to her and extended my arms for her to walk into. I hugged her and she hugged me back. She was so frail, that I barely felt her arms around me.

"I won't tell her, but promise me you will make the most of your time left with her,"

She nodded and smiled, telling me to go back to her sleeping sister before she woke. I walked back to Nadia's room and I found her in the same position I had left her in. I undressed and got back in bed. I just laid there on my back with the covers over my lower body.

I promised Cassandra and I am a man of my word.

I won't give up on Nadia, no matter how far she pushes me away.

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