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Mateo's POV

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I reached my hand onto my bedside table and swiped to answer.

I threw the cover over my legs and stood up, pulling over a gown before I walked onto the balcony.

"What," I answered and leaned on the balcony's railing.

"Good morning to you too brother," Isabel replied and I could see her roll her eyes.

"I just wanted to make sure spa day is still on and what time I should go pick up Nadia,"

Shit, I totally forgot that they were supposed to go to the spa today. I had booked a spa day for Nadia and her friends. I thought she'd need it after attending the graduation.

Isabel was supposed to show up at Nadia's home and pick her up. Grace and Jessica would be there already.

"Uhm, I'll wake her up. You can come over to pick her up in an hour or so. Also bring her something to wear and undergarments as well," I replied and turned to look at Nadia still asleep in my bed.

"She slept at your apartment? Are you two finally together?" She asked in excitement and I rolled my eyes.

"Goodbye Isabel," I hung up and moved back into my room.

I walked to the bed and kneeled down, making my face level with Nadia's sleeping one.

I shook her lightly and she groaned and turned the other way. I chuckled and shook her again.

"Nadia, wake up," I tried shaking her again but she groaned and tried to wiggle off my hand.

"What?" She dragged out the 'a' and rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

"Get up and take a shower. Isabel is coming to pick you up," I told her and she sat up.


"Because I have a surprise for you. Now go,"

She groaned but rolled out of bed and walked to the bathroom. I watched her legs move under my shirt. The shirt ended under her butt so her under cheeks would show if she lifted her arms.

I heard the shower turn on and I got up to make breakfast. I decided to make scrambled eggs, bacon and avocado toast. I served it with a cup of orange juice.

"I didn't know you could cook," Nadia stated as she walked into the kitchen with my bathrobe and slippers on. everything was too big for her so she looked like a kid in their parents' clothes.

"I do. I'm just usually too busy to cook. Here you go," I handed her her own cup of orange juice and she thanked me.

We ate in silence for a few bites before curiosity got the best of her.

"So, where am I going?" She asked and I shook my head at her.

Just then Isabel waltzes into my apartment with bags.

They did their casual girl greeting and she handed Nadia the bags. She got up from the table and went on to change.

"So you didn't answer my question, are you and Nadia together yet?" Isabel asked as she picked up a slice from my plate and munched on it. 

I love Isa but she gets on my nerves sometimes, times like this. I get that she likes Nadia but I'm not even sure what I feel for Nadia. I like her but I'm not sure I can handle being in a relationship right now.

"Listen Isa-," I started but Nadia walked in making me stop talking immediately.

She looked gorgeous. She had a matching cream jogger set along with black and white trainers. She could wear a potato sack and she'd still be the prettiest woman on earth. I looked at my food and focussed on that while Isabel looked at me with a smirk on her face.

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