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Nadia's POV

Dinner was filled with a lot of sexual tension and the wine wasn't helping the situation.

"Let's fuck in the car," I blurted out and watched Mateo choke on his wine.

"What?" He asked after composing himself.

"You. Me. Backseat. Or front, I don't really care," I answered and sipped at my wine.


I nodded and he waved down the waitress serving us.

"Bill," he instructed and she scurried off.

She wasn't fast enough because he stood up and threw a few hundred dollars onto the table.

"Let's go," he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of my chair.

"Money's on the table. Keep the rest as a tip," Mateo told the stunned waitress on our way out.

"Thanks for the service," I told her and waved on our way out.

I struggled to keep up behind him while he pulled me in the direction of the car.

"So this is why you wanted me to drive the Wagon today? You nasty little slut" he asked and opened the door for me.

"Maybe," I sheepishly replied and climbed in.

He walked around the car and climbed in before driving off.

To create the mood, I connected my phone to the car stereo and started playing my R&B playlist.

He drove us to the secluded part of the hills and parked at a spot that overlooked the city.

"Get in the backseat and move your seat forward," I pushed my seat forward and climbed into the backseat.

He shut off the engine and pulled his seat forward as well after he left the front seat.

"Straddle me,"

I lifted my dress to bunch it around my thighs before moving my legs over his.

His mouth came up to mine and his tongue slipped into my mouth, fighting mine for dominance.

I let him win when his hand trailed down the open back of my dress. Immediately sending a shiver down my spine.

He broke our heated kiss to trail kisses down my neck. My breathing increased when he bit down on my neck and rolled his tongue over the mark. A soothing motion to the bite.

His hands squeezed my hips, grinding me on his lap.

"You don't know how badly I wanted to fuck you in this dress since you brought it home,"

"I can feel it. Now are you going to make that happen or what?" I asked and opened his top buttons.

I trailed kisses down his neck and upper chest. I sucked on certain kisses and created hickeys as I moved down.

"Stay up here, keep your eyes on me while I finger you. Okay?" Mateo instructed and I nodded.

His fingers slowly slipped into my mouth and I sucked on them making them wet enough.

"You look so pretty with your mouth full baby. So damn pretty,"

I batted my eyelashes up at him and sucked harder on his fingers before they were moved from my lips.

He pulled me back to his lap and he rubbed my clit as he slid a finger in. The finger curled and created slow strokes.

The straps of my dress were lowered and his mouth attached to one of my nipples.

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