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Nadia's POV

"I'm doctor Marium Jackson, I was called in to tend to Cassandra's case. Cassandra has Hydrocephalus. It is the buildup of fluid in the cavities deep within the brain. It applied pressure on her brain, which caused her headaches. I managed to drain the fluid out but she slipped into a coma. The results from her previous tests showed that she was suffering from kidney failure," Doctor Jackson spoke and I could tell she was struggling to deliver the news in a positive manner.

"When will she wake up?" I asked the one question on everyone's mind and I already knew the answer.

"It depends on her body. I will be closely monitoring her condition and updating you,"

I just nodded as a single tear slid down my cheek.

She squeezed my hand and stood up.

The nurses moved Cassandra back to her room. I stood in the corner with my arms around myself. I watched as all the tubes ran through her as she was lying lifelessly in bed.

She had a bandage wrapped around her head, that must have been where the surgery was performed.

Her friends came in to hug me and put down gifts. Their parents arrived a little later to offer their support and pick up their kids.

Julia and Mr Hernandez came with Isabel. They brought cards and gifts for Cassandra and offered me anything I needed. Be it emotional or financial support. They saw Cassandra as one of their own. Cassandra just had that impact on people.

The day progressed into nighttime and I was still in the same position since I arrived. Everyone had gone home except me, I told them to get some rest. I also needed time with her while I processed.

The door opened and I assumed it was a nurse adding IV fluid or changing her feeding tube so I didn't even look at it. I just stayed in the chair at Cassandra's side, holding myself in hopes of comforting myself.

I saw a plastic food container being held in front of my eyes and I looked up. Mateo stood next to me, holding out food to me.

I shook my head and pushed the food away. I don't have an appetite.

"You haven't eaten today Nadia. You need to eat in order to be there for Cassandra,"

I looked at Cass and took the food, mumbling a small thank you.

I opened the container and the aromatic smell of Chipotle rice seasoning hit my nostrils.

That seemed to return my appetite because my stomach grumbled.

I picked up a spoonful of rice and raised it to my mouth. I let the flavours sink in while I chewed slowly.

I let out a small sigh of pleasure as I swallowed. Mateo looked up at me from his dish and snickered at my action.

I hadn't even noticed that he changed out of his jeans into sweats and a grey shirt.

"I brought you an overnight bag from your apartment. It has a few necessities. I knew you'd want to spend the night,"

I looked at the pink duffel bag and remembered that he said necessities. That means underwear.

Oh my god, he went through my underwear drawer.

Nadia, he was literally inside you less than a day ago and you're embarrassed about underwear?

I thanked him and finished my meal. I walked to the duffel bag and pulled out my skincare products and shower gels.

To my surprise, Mateo was still here when I left the bathroom. He was seated on the long couch that unfolded into a bed.

"Aren't you leaving? It's getting late," I asked standing a respectable distance away from him.

"I want to stay. You need someone here with you," he explained and I was shocked by his words.


"Why what?"

"Why do you really want to stay?"

I was met by silence.

"Do you want to remind me that I wasn't there for my sister? Huh, do you want to rub it in that I chose dick over her? Do you want to rub it in that I'm going to be tossed to the side? Like I'm just some whore who slept with her boss? What the hell do you want Mateo?"

By the time I finished my outburst, I noticed Mateo's jaw tick as I tested his patience.

"I know you're going through a lot right now but I need you to get one thing clear. You aren't a bad sister. You aren't some whore I'll toss to the side. You're so much more than that Nadia. You're smart, beautiful, selfless, confident and all-around fucking perfection,"

I felt the tears slip out of my eyes and I was wrapped in Mateo's arms in no time.

I sobbed into his chest and he rubbed my back in comfort.

The weight of today weighing on me at once. A weight Mateo wanted to help me carry. I just had to let him in.

He moved us back to the couch and sat down, pulling me into his lap. I continued my silent crying into his shirt while he placed comforting kisses on my forehead.

I didn't even notice that I fell asleep until a nurse opened the door.

She smiled at me before moving to Cassandra's IV. She winked at me on her way out and that made me aware of my surroundings.

I looked down at the hard but soft manly pillow.

I was laying on top of Mateo with my head in the crook of his neck. His arms around my waist provided me with an extra layer of warmth beside the blanket draped across us. He had pulled out the couch and made it into a bed. I didn't even feel him do all that.

He was still fast asleep and I wondered if he was uncomfortable with me practically smothering him. He seemed to be okay so I just took in his features.

He looked handsome even in his sleep. I visually traced my eyes along his face, taking in every small detail. His skin was flawless, better than mine in fact. His stubble added to his masculine essence. I noticed that his nose was slightly crooked. I feel like there's a story behind that. Along with the small scar above his eyebrow.

I like moments with Mateo like this. 

I like them too much.

He's my boss for Pete's sake. I need to start remembering that. Yes, we fucked and kissed, but that's all it is. All it will be. He said it himself.

I need to start distancing myself. He's gotten too close. Closer than most have in the past.

I'll just cherish this moment.

With that thought in mind, I closed my eyes and let sleep engulf me.

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