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Nadia's POV

The night flew by pretty fast. Besides the creepy men, judgmental women and shitty appetizers. I had fun.

It was interesting seeing Mateo in his natural habitat. Cool, calm, charming. I added onto the conversation now and then but he effortlessly spoke to everyone.

I watched from the chair I sat on at a table as he danced with a beautiful blonde lady. She seemed to be fawning over him and he returned her energy. I have no idea why but I almost felt sick watching them sway together like the power couple they look like.

I guess i just needed a reminder that I don't belong in this lifestyle. I was simply here for work. I dressed up to fit in.

"Hey. Nadia, right?" A voice greeted me as the chair beside me scraped across the floor pulling me out of my thoughts.

Liam Montgomery sat next to me, smiling sweetly. He seemed like a good guy. Funny, charming and handsome. His blonde hair was gelled back. His light grey suit brought out his green eyes and slightly tan skin. He is a well-established lawyer with a clean track record.

"That's right Mr Montgomery," I replied and turned my attention to him.

"Please, call me Liam. You know, I've been wanted to get you alone this whole night. Mateo hogged you, I hope he's not overworking you. He tends to do that to his assistants. I have no idea how you haven't run for the hills yet " he laughed and I giggled. Everyone was amused that I lasted a month working for Mateo.

"I have no idea how I survive either" I smiled back.

"You have an extremely beautiful smile, Nadia,"

"Matthews, let's go," Mateo growled making me wonder how he appeared so fast.

"I'll see you around Liam," I rushed after Mateo who speed walked to the elevator.

"Mateo, slow down. I'm in heels for heaven's sake," I yelled as he hurriedly walked to the elevator.

He repeatedly pressed the call button like that would make it appear any faster.

Surprisingly it appeared after he pressed it for the fifth time.

I stepped in and I watched him from my corner of the elevator. He was fuming. Why? I had no idea.

He looked extremely attractive right now. Jaw and fist clenched, top button to his shirt open, tie hanging loosely around his neck.

"Mateo-" I started

"Not fucking now Matthews," he stated, emphasizing each word.

"I have no idea what the fuck is wrong with you but you have the wrong woman if you think you can talk to me like that. I'm not one of your playthings," I replied, growing angry myself.

"God damnit woman. Can't you follow instructions for once? Just be quiet,"

"As I've said, I have no clue who you're talking to like that but it's not me. Learn to regulate your emotions in a healthy way, Mateo. You're a grown man. If you're upset, it shouldn't be everyone's problem,"

The elevator slid open and I walked out of the hotel.

"Where are you going? The car is this way," Mateo asked but I ignored him and kept walking.

"Matthews, let's go. I don't have energy for this right now,"

"I'm taking a taxi home. You lost your damn mind if you think I'm getting into the car with you right now," I explained as I tried stopping a taxi.

"Let me just drop you home-"

"What part of I'm not getting into the car with you don't you understand?"

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