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Double POV chapter

Nadia's POV

"What do you think of this?" Grace asked holding up a purple bodycon dress.

I shook my head at the dress. It was cute but not club-worthy.

Grace, Isabel and Jessica were already ready and they were helping me get ready. They all looked beautiful in their outfits. Grace had on a black long sleeve two-piece set with stockings and black heel boots. Isabel had a long sleeve maroon top with blue high waist skinny jeans and maroon heel boots. Jess had on a dark blue dress with stockings and black heel boots. They all had jackets to carry with them to prevent the cold.

I finally decided on a black bodycon dress with stockings and black leather heel boots. I chose a black leather jacket to carry with me. After we took a few pictures in the mirror, we left the house in an uber. Safe to say we were going to get wasted tonight.

"Thank y'all so much for inviting me out tonight.  I haven't had a genuine girls night in forever. I feel like I've found my clan," Isabel spoke and we hugged her because she was the sweetest girl ever and deserved to have good friends.

"Just saying that we're big drinkers so you don't need to keep up," Grace said and we all laughed.

Entering the club was easy seeing as Joshua came to welcome us in without a hassle.

"Okay ladies, here's your room. We'll have a waitress here and if you want to go down to the dancefloor, let Nathan know. I'll be in my office," Joshua stated and we thanked him.

Now the real fun begins. Cocktails, shots, more cocktails and even more shots. We were now on the dancefloor, our jackets long discarded as all the alcohol warmed us up. I was dancing with Grace while Jess was dancing with Isabel. We were whining on each other while throwing imaginary dollars. We stumbled through the crowd to the bar and sat down on the stools.

"Eight tequila shots, please," Isabel shouted to the bartender and he got to work putting them together.

She was keeping up without a struggle. At this point, she was ahead of us but didn't seem that drunk.

"Hey beautiful, what can I buy you and your friends?" A man asked sitting down on the empty stool next to me.

He was quite attractive so I didn't mind talking to him. His blonde hair fell onto his forehead and his eyes were dark so I assume their brown or black. He was well built since his grey shirt clung to his muscles.

"Oh, we're just having shots, to close off the night, you know," I replied and crossed my legs. 

His eyes moved down to my legs before moving back to mine.

"So, you want to come back to mine after you wrap it up?" He asked and I opened my mouth to answer but I was cut short by a familiar voice.

"That won't be happening now move along before you get socked," Mateo replied and wrapped his arm around my waist.

He threw up his hands and backed away. I sulked and turned to face Mateo.

"Why'd you do that?" I asked as I looked up at him.

"Because he's trying to get into your pants and I won't let that happen," he replied and I sighed before turning to take my shots.

Mateo had left for Joshua's office and we continued drinking until we stumbled back upstairs. The men were seated in our personal room and Christopher had joined them. We were a giggling pile and couldn't be bothered with their existence.

We were having karaoke and singing terribly to Last Friday Night by Katy Perry. After our award-winning performance, we sat back down and picked up our cocktails.

Two cocktails later, we were nearly passed out on a single couch, draped over each other. I was on Isabel who was on Grace who was next to Jessica. All cuddling each other, nearing a state of sleep.

Mateo's POV 

"I think it's time we get them home," Chris suggested looking at the girls huddled on a couch.

They've drunk themselves away the whole night but they seemed happy so we let them be.

"Yeah, I'll take Grace. Chris, you take Jessica. Mateo, can you take Nadia and Isabel home at once?" Joshua asked and I thought about it. Isabel's penthouse is far from my home and Nadia's home altogether.

"I trust Nathan to get Isa home safely," Joshua got up and spoke to Nathan before returning. 

We each tried to pick up whoever we were supposed to get home and made our way through the door. 

The girls all put up a fight talking about some sleepover and tried clinging to each other.

"If anything happens to her, I will kill you," I told Nathan and he gave me a curt nod.

I carried Nadia down the stairs and she went on about pure nonsense, which was cute.

I made it to my car and opened the passenger door. I placed her in and put on her seatbelt. Entering the car on my side, I started driving as Nadia turned on the radio. She switched through stations until she found a pop song she liked.

"But I need to tell you something. I really, really, really, really, really, really like you. And I want you, do you want me, do you want me, too?" she sang facing me and my heart sat in my throat.

She sang the rest of the song and turned the radio back down to a regular volume once it was over. I packed in my parking spot and walked out of the car to Nadia's side. Her head rested on my chest till we reached my apartment.

I walked us to my bathroom and pulled out wipes to wipe down her face. I took off her heels and stockings and it took a lot in me not to run my hands up her soft skin as I stood again.

I left her sitting on the counter and walked to my closet. I picked out a shirt for her to sleep in and slipped off her dress. I turned away as I slid her arms through the armholes and pulled the shirt down.

Her matching black set really tempted me right now but she isn't competent right now. I helped her brush her teeth and rinse before wiping down her mouth.

I carried her to bed and made her sit up while I went to get water and a painkiller for her future headache.

Returning she was slightly slumped onto her side so I held her up straight to drink water.

She took the painkiller and drank the entire glass of water. We got in bed together and she laid on my chest. It was silent as I stared at the ceiling and Nadia was nearing sleep.

"Mateo?" She spoke in a sleepy tone and I hummed.

"I like you. I like you a lot. More than I'm supposed to and I'm afraid of getting hurt so I won't say anything. Please don't tell Mateo," she drunkenly rambled and I smiled.

She really just asked me not to tell myself that she likes me. Cute.

"I won't tell Mateo, now go to sleep," I replied and Nadia placed a kiss on my cheek before snuggling into my neck.

Her breaths soon became steady and I knew she was asleep. I wrapped my arms around her and I couldn't help but find a sense of peace in her presence.

"I like you too Nadia. So fucking much," I placed a kiss on her forehead and fell asleep too.

They like each other!!!!!!

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