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Nadia's POV

"Place that over there, please. Next to the statue centrepiece,"

It was the day of the opening party and I was currently overseeing the decorations with Ms Hernandez.

The ballroom of the hotel was transformed to fit nearly 500 people. The best of the best will be showing up today. Politicians, high-class socialites, celebrities, ministers, big shot investors.

If they have some sort of societal influence, they'll be here tonight.

There are going to be a few magazine and lifestyle blog reporters here as well. Media coverage is very important for the long term success of the hotel.

The room had large circular tables that could seat 4 people. Each table has a seating placement. I was put at the table with Mr and Mrs Hernandez, and Mateo.

"You go get ready dear. I'll finish the little details and leave as well," Mrs Hernandez stated as she reached to take the ribbons from my hands.

"I don't want you to overwork yourself, Mrs Hernandez. We're almost done and there's still four hours until the party starts," I replied and she smiled softly at me.

"I told you to call me Julia and I'm not asking you. I'm telling you. Now go on before I take drastic measures,"

She waved the scissors in my direction playfully and I finally let her win. Now I see where Mateo gets it from.

"Okay, bye Julia. See you later,"

I surrendered and left the ballroom. Mateo was in his office so I passed by to let him know that I'll be walking back to the villa.

It was a beautiful day out and the villa was just a few minutes away. I just hope my sandals would survive the walk.

The door was open so I could see Mateo sitting at his desk. There was another man in the office as well. I recognised him as Eugene, the manager of the hotel.

I stopped at the door and decided against telling him. He was busy either way.

"Matthews," he called as I sped down the hallway.


"Did you need anything?"

He crossed his arms across his chest. His muscles fill his white polo shirt. Great heavens, he looked good today. He wore a simple outfit of a white polo shirt and light blue cargo pants with sneakers but he made it look so regal.

"Uhm, I just wanted to say that I'm leaving. Your mom chased me to get ready so I'll be walking back to the villa,"

I turned to walk away after that but I was stopped by Mateo's hand on mine.

That warm fuzzy feeling filled me again.

I looked down at our arms before looking at him again. He immediately retracted his hand after that. Clearing his throat before he spoke.

"I can take you. I was leaving either way,"

"You seem busy. Plus it's a great day outside. I can w-"

"This isn't up for discussion Matthews. I'll be back,"

Two minutes later Mateo left his office again and we left the hotel. The ride back was silent.

I decided to take the three hours to pamper myself. I ran the bath and added a bath bomb Grace got for me a while ago. It was cocoa scented so it was my favourite.

I dropped in a few drops of lavender oil in the diffuser and I stripped out of my clothes. I sighed as the hot water began relaxing my muscles. I played music as I sat in the tub. I only left the tub when the water turned cold.

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