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I was just as hungover I thought it'd be with the amount of alcohol I consumed. Especially keeping in mind my low alcohol tolerance.

Saturday and Sunday were spent resting and preparing for the new workspace I'd be entering soon.

True to her drunken promise, Grace called me on Sunday morning telling me about how she and Joshua spent the weekend together. She also ran me through how they met and got together.

They had met when Grace was in Greece for a modelling gig and he was there for business. He had seen her through the window of a cafe and he knew he had to make his affection known. Grace being the hardass that she is thanked him and continued about her day. She later got a message from him asking her out for dinner and who was she not to accept free food.

Two months later, here they are. He'd asked her to be his girlfriend on Saturday with breakfast in bed and flowers. It's honestly so cute and I know he makes her happy.

It's sadly now Monday and I'm waiting for the bus in a pair of navy blue work pants, a white button-down shirt, from the "old" clothes Grace gave me and blue flats because I'm not about to stand around in heels. My hair is in a sleek curly puff at the nape of my head and I had on natural minimalist makeup.

The bus arrived and I climbed on greeting Mr Henry before handing him three bags of cookies I made yesterday.

"Thank you, deary, just what I needed. I'm sure the children will love em too," he said and placed the treats in his lunch bag as I walked down the aisle to my regular seat in the near front.

Thirty minutes later, the bus halted at the corner of Hernandez towers and I quickly changed my shoes to black heels before walking down the steps.

I walked briskly to the building as I checked my watch to make sure I wasn't late and saw that I still had ten minutes to spare.

I walked in and walked to the receptionist desk where Kate sat, typing away on her phone.

"You again, didn't expect you to get the job. Go up, Mr Hernandez is about to come in so just wait for him in his lobby," she snarled in her annoyingly squeaky voice making me want to rip my ears off.

I thanked her before walking to the elevator and pressing the call button. I dug through my bag for my phone to make sure Cassandra was okay before I started work while I waited for the elevator to arrive.

I had just fished out my old Samsung phone that was nearly on its death bed and pressed Cassandra's contact when the doors slid open. I stepped on and pressed for the doors to close when a hand slid through the doors, opening them.

It was him, the man from the club. The one from Joshua's office.

Luckily, he hadn't noticed me as I stood in the far corner.

"Dad, I appreciate your effort in trying to help but I don't need a personal assistant. Jessica is enough and I'm not interested in having some woman in my space," he spoke and I wanted to crawl into a hole and perish.

He's talking about me and he doesn't even acknowledge me.

I stared at him as he spoke to his father. He was still as handsome as I last saw him. He was wearing a dark grey suit with his hair combed back from his face. He smelt heavenly too. I don't even know what cologne he wore but it smelt expensive.

He finally noticed me standing in the corner when he leaned against the wall and looked up from his shoes. He stared at me, his gaze cold. He scanned me from head to toe before his eyes met mine. His gaze made me want the ground to open up and swallow me whole, it held power and lacked emotion.

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