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Nadia's POV

I woke up to a heavy arm wrapped around my waist holding me down.

I froze and dragged my eyes up to the owner suddenly all last night's, and this morning's, memories came flooding back.

I felt my body heat up and I clenched my slightly sore thighs together.

True to Mateo's word, we used all the condoms. All I can say is, this man knows how to satisfy a woman.

I don't think I've had so many orgasms in one night. From one man in fact.

I checked the bedside clock and it was currently 6:54.

Replacing my body with a pillow, I left the room and walked to the kitchen. The morning breeze hitting my legs reminded me that I'm still in Mateo's shirt.

I walked to the kettle and put water in it for tea. I turned it on and walked to the living room.

I saw my bag laying on the floor next to the couch and I realized that I didn't check my phone.

It's probably dead by now.

The kettle had boiled so I made my tea and left it to steep while I put my phone on the charger.

Picking up the warm mug, I took a long sip while I pressed the power on button.

My heart sank as the screen lit up.

37 missed calls
20 unread messages

All from Grace.

I frantically opened the messages and my worst fear came true.

Cassandra fainted at school.

They rushed her to the ER.

They're running tests but we don't know anything yet.

You need to get here.


My eyes started blurring up and the mug slipped from my grasp. The hot tea must have burnt my feet but I couldn't be bothered by that now.

My airways started constricting and hot tears began rushing down my face.

How could I be so negligent? I left my phone, all alone for hours on end. By the time of Grace's texts, it must have been when Mateo and I started-

Oh god, I'm a terrible sister.

"Nadia, are you okay? I've been calling out to you for the past three minutes. What happened?"

Mateo questioned with his hands on my shoulders. I couldn't even see his facial features clearly through the tears but I could tell he was worried by the tone of his voice.

I mean, I'm standing in the middle of the kitchen with shattered ceramic and tea at my feet while hyperventilating.

I managed to get my thoughts into coherent words and let out the one thing on my mind.

"I need to go back home. Now,"

With that, I hurried to my room and began throwing my belongings erratically into my luggage.

"Why? What happened?"

Mateo asked trying to understand my frantic mood but I broke down instead.

I sat on the carpeted floor and cried into my hands. Mateo rushed to me and pulled me onto his lap, rubbing soothing circles on my back. We remained like this until I could get myself together long enough not to cry again.

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