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Nadia's POV

Mateo leaned down and closed the distance between us. Our lips connect our bodies together.

His lips moved against mine in a rushed yet slow manner. Biting, licking, sucking as the kiss grew more heated.  I knew my lipstick must be all over him right now but I don't care.

The only thing I could focus on was how good this felt. How the kiss poured out our longing for each other. How our hands explored each other's bodies.

Mine ran through his soft locks at the base of his neck while he squeezed my waist, pulling me impossibly closer.

I let out a moan when his tongue brushed against my bottom lip but I don't open up.

The gasp I let out when his hand smacked my ass made my mouth open for him.

I turned my head so I could deepen the kiss while lightly pulling on Mateo's hair. That earned me a groan from within him.

The sound filled my ears and immediately moved to my lower belly. Spreading heat and moisture.

I pressed myself harder against him and felt his erection through his pants.

He pulled away and let out a shaky breath. Leaning his forehead against mine.

"Don't start something you don't plan on finishing, Matthews,"

I dragged my hand down from his neck and pulled him closer by his belt. My actions shocked both of us honestly.

I think it's the liquor I had tonight.

"I plan on finishing everything I start,"

Mateo looked surprised by my actions but he recovered quickly and fished out his phone.

I heard him tell the driver to pull the car around. We're going home.

Mateo showed me to the bathroom so I can fix my lipstick while he wiped his face clean from the dark red smudge stains. We made ourselves look presentable in case we run into anyone on our way out.

We exited the penthouse and the air was heavy with sexual tension. Both of us itching to get our hands on each other.

At this point, all professionalism was tossed out of the window. 

It's like the elevator ride down was purposely slow. I looked at Mateo through my lashes and he looked just as disoriented as me. His eyes were a storm of desire. Glued to my frame in the corner. His hair wasn't as put together as it was when we first arrived. Anyone could tell what happened if they looked long enough.

The car came to a stop and the doors slid open. Mateo wasted no time dragging me out of the elevator.

I had to do a light jog to keep my arm attached to my body. My short legs could only cover so much ground at once. The heels strapped to my feet did nothing to help my pace.

We passed by his parents on our way out and I waved at them while Mateo dragged me away. Julia just snickered while Mr Hernandez winked knowingly at me.

Great, now his parents know we're going to fuck.

Wait, we're going to fuck!!!

The realization hit me like a truck and I started panicking internally.

I last had sex 3 years ago. With taking care of Cassandra and working, I didn't go out much or have romantic partners.

I'm not a nun by any means. I have a few toys, two didlos of a good size and a few vibrators. I use them on occasion but I haven't had an actual sexual encounter in a while.

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