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I really don't know what to tell someone who asks "tell me about yourself" now this man is asking me that while he already knows enough.

"Well, I live with my younger sister. I have a catering business that I plan on growing one day. That's about it, the rest you already know from my resume," I responded and Anthony returned with the wine bottle and two glasses.

He filled our glasses and left again, leaving me in silence with Mr Hernandez again.

"That's not all and you know it," he challenged as he brought his glass to his lips. I stared at him trying to figure out why he suddenly took an interest in me.

"I don't think you'd want to hear about my boring personal life Mr Hernandez," I countered and took a sip of my wine as well.

"Mateo, my name is Mateo and I'd prefer that you call me that. Mr Hernandez makes me feel older than I am. If I wasn't interested I wouldn't have asked, now answer my question Matthews," he instructed as he leaned forward placing his arms on the table.

"Well Mateo, what exactly do you want me to answer?" I asked bringing the wine glass back to my lips. I suddenly needed liquid courage, it's like the room got smaller too.

"Today in the meeting, you called me something in greek. What did it mean?" he asked and I sighed looking away.

"I called you παλικάρι. It means a young man who is in his prime or has achieved something great beyond his years," I told refusing to meet his gaze.

"Where'd you learn Greek?" the one question left his lips and hit me like a dagger in my chest.

"A friend of my father's called him that at his funeral and I've remembered it since. My father was in the military, he died in action when I was 15. My mother passed away three years later leaving me to take care of my younger sister. Cassandra, my sister, got diagnosed with lupus two months after my mom's passing. Everything I do is for her," I whispered as tears clogged my throat and welled at my eyes.

I felt a single tear roll down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away.

Great, I'm crying in front of my boss.

"My apologies for bringing up a sensitive topic. I'm here if you need any help," he responded in a softer voice.

I looked up and noticed that he had moved closer to my side of the table. His eyes were visibly softer and held regret, I liked them more when they held emotion. He held my hand that wasn't holding a tissue to my cheeks, in his two larger ones and rubbed small circles on it.

This action sent sparks through me and made me feel at ease. I can't describe what it felt like.

Sadly it was interrupted when Anthony returned with our meals making me retract my hand like I was burnt.

Mateo returned to his side of the table and we are in silence. He barely looked in my direction, the same thing when we rode back to the office.

Upon arrival at the office, I was buried in a pile of work due on Monday meaning I'll be working through the weekend.

I don't know what caused his sudden change of attitude towards me. He was fine at the restaurant.

I've been working for so long I barely noticed the time. It's 21:56, meaning I missed the nine o'clock bus but I could make it in time for the ten-fifteen bus.

I packed up my work and took it along with me as I entered Mateo's office.

"I'll be leaving now, goodnight Mr Hernandez," I announced and he just ignored me as he continued his work.

I rolled my eyes and left his office carrying the three files of paperwork and my bag.

The office was empty besides the security guards that I greeted as I walked by.

I walked to the bus stop and stood, patiently waiting for the bus. I was slightly cold as the night wind blew my arms and exposed skin but I'd survive.

After about ten minutes of waiting, a sleek black car came to a halt before me.

"Get in Matthews," Mateo instructed from the rolled-down window.

"Mr Hernandez-" I started but he interrupted me.

"I'm not in the mood to argue and I'm not leaving you here. Get. In," he stated making me sigh defeatedly before opening the door and getting in.

We rode in silence, besides me directing him to my house but I didn't mind it. I took the time to relax against the comfortable leather seat while looking at the classy interior. This car suited him and his lifestyle.

As expected, his car drew attention as he drove through my street and stopped in front of my door.

"Thank you for the ride, Mr Hernandez. Enjoy your weekend," I mumbled as I gathered the files in my arms and reached to open my door but his hand on my elbow stopped me.

"I told you to call me Mateo, Nadia. I don't like repeating myself," he stated in a stern tone and the way he said my name sent shivers down my spine.

This was the first time he called me Nadia instead of Matthews.

"My apologies, goodnight Mateo and thank you for the ride," I stuttered out. I quickly opened my door and ran out of the car as fast as my feet would go.
I heard his engine start and he drove off when I was in the house with my back against the door trying to regulate my breathing.

"Who was that?" Cassandra questioned startling me out of my peace. She stood at the curtain of the window facing the street.

"You nearly gave me a heart attack Cass. That was my boss, Mr Hernandez," I replied as I walked to my room.

"Oh, your super-hot boss that will fall head over heels for you like in the books?" She squealed and clapped her hands happily.

"He literally said I'm not his type the first day we met. I doubt he'd be falling head over heels," I shouted back and closed my room door.

"You never know, he might be your prince charming," she shouted back and I rolled my eyes.

This girl reads too many romance books.

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