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Nadia's POV

"She doesn't want to see you, Mateo. The answer hasn't changed,"

I listened to Grace tell Mateo off while I stood in her kitchen. He has been coming here for the past week. Each time Grace would tell him off but he's becoming more persistent.

"I want to talk to her Grace. Just for five minutes, please," he begged and my heart tugged hearing the pain in his voice.

"I can't. I'm sorry,"

"Okay, please give these to her," I heard the shuffling of a wrapper before the door closed.

I heard Grace approach the kitchen and walk in. I busied myself with my mug of hot chocolate to avoid looking at her.

"Are you going to talk to the man or do I need to put up a sign in front of my door?" Grace asked placing down a bouquet of white roses on the table.

Every time he's been here, he's brought flowers, chocolates and gifts. There wasn't a day when he showed up empty-handed. Although I was touched by the gesture, giving me gifts won't win my heart back. He tried calling and sent numerous texts to my phone, which didn't help the conflict going on in my thoughts.

"I don't know," I truthfully answered.

A part of me wants nothing more than to run after him, hug him and tell him that I forgive him. Tell him that the past week hurt more than I expected it to.

A greater and more hurt part however keeps me hiding in the kitchen when he comes around. The triggered part of me is hesitant to trust him again.

"Can I ask you something? You need to answer me truthfully though," Grace asked and I raised my eyes before nodding.

"Do you love him? Like actually love him?"

I nodded once more as I gazed down at my nearly empty mug.

"Then why are you moping around my apartment instead of talking it out?"

"I'm not moping," I defended but Grace raised an eyebrow at me.

"I love you but you look like shit," she laughed and I rolled my eyes.

I saw a reflection of myself on the fridge's mirrored surface as I stood up to put my mug and our breakfast dishes into the dishwasher.

Grace was right. I looked like shit. The dark circles under my eyes made my eyes look sunken in. My eyes were red from all the crying I'd been doing. My skin looked dull. My hair was knotted and dry.

"Look, I'm not rushing your healing process but I am saying that you'd both benefit if you sat down to talk things through," she suggested and I sighed.

"I'll go over after I do Christmas shopping,"

Josh was taking Grace to meet his parents tomorrow, so we had an early Christmas eve meal today. Chris and Jess were unable to attend because they were spending Christmas with her family in Miami. Isabel and Nathan are already in Cuba for Christmas. I'm even surprised that Mateo hasn't left yet.

I detangled my hair and did a quick wash before putting it into large plaits after I blow-dried it. I decided to put Flexi rods in when I got back. It was almost lunchtime so I set out to go get groceries.

I looked out of my room's window and saw the snow settling on the ground so I needed to dress accordingly.

I wore stockings with black winter performance leggings on top, a sports bra for comfort, a beige long sleeve shirt, and a gray oversized hoodie with a black puffer jacket layered on top. I threw on an extra pair of socks before wearing sherpa-lined boots. Of course, I'd be dumb if I left without a beanie and gloves so I grabbed those on my way out of the room.

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