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Nadia's POV

"You look, beautiful sis. You're literally having a Wattpad moment. Your handsome boss is going to show up and whisk you away to the ball, where you'll fall in love-" Cassandra sighed dreamily swaying her feet in my bed.

Jess and Grace laughed their heads off at her fantasies.

I had called them after lunch for an emergency glam squad. Jess just arrived since she was at work, Grace was free today so she helped me into my dress. Jess does amazing eye makeup so she did a natural cut crease on me with winged eyeliner and mascara on my naturally long lashes. My lips were a beautiful deep shade of red. They looked soft and luscious under the lipstick.

I styled my knotless braids into the best elegant look I could. I put them into a high bun and laid my edges. It accentuated my facial structure while making me look more put together.

A loud knock interrupted the chaos happening in my room and I looked at the girls with a cry for help look. I still needed to put on my shoes, find a bag and put on my jewellery.

Grace and Jess left my room to handle Mateo while Cassandra handed me my shoes, a black clutch, my mom's gold bracelet and matching earrings.

"You look gorgeous Dia," Cass gushed with a look of admiration in her eyes mixed with something that looked like, sadness.

I just thanked her and chose not to dwell on the sad look in her eyes. She has been looking at me with that look but whenever I ask her about it she says she is okay. I guess she will talk to me when she is ready.

I walked out of my room to see Mateo standing in a gorgeous black tuxedo. His hair was styled to one side, making him look charming yet powerful. He wore a black tie with his white shirt. He stood talking to Grace and Jess but turned at the sound of my heels clicking against the tiles.

He just stared at me the same way I did to him. He looked like he was staring at an ethereal being, a mystical majestic creature.  We were only brought out of our trances when Cassandra cleared her throat.

"Let's leave, shall we," Mateo proposed after tearing his eyes away from me. He offered me his hand that I took.

I nearly pulled away from the sparks I felt when I touched his hand but I just looked away from our joined hands.

"Enjoy. Don't be out too late. I'm not ready to be an aunt but I'll accept it," Cassandra, Jess and Grace shouted respectively from the doorway and I wanted to die from embarrassment.

Mateo tried fighting his smile as we walked to the car. I noticed that it was just him today, no driver. That means we'll be alone in the car.

He opened my door and I thanked him as I slid in. He closed the door after making sure that all of my dress was in. I watched as he swiftly walked across the front of the car. His suit jacket hugged his arms perfectly.  Highlighting his hard work in the gym. When someone with his schedule fits in time to workout, I have no idea but he maintained his muscular physique well.

"Take a picture Matthews, it lasts longer," he joked, starting the car.

"Who said I was looking at you?" I defended

"Then what were you drooling at?" he asked with a smirk on his face.

"Just drive," I commanded making him chuckle.

His hand moved from the gear shaft to my exposed thigh. The sensation sent a shiver down my spine and I gulped looking at his hand.

"Is there a problem Matthews?" He asked innocently as he moved his hand higher up my thigh.

"N-no," I stuttered like a Catholic schoolgirl caught by the sister.

This man will be the death of me.

He switched between running his hand up and down my thigh, squeezing the flesh and drumming beats from the songs playing. He hasn't removed his hand since.

I looked out of the window trying to control my breathing. He looked so relaxed and laid back with one hand on the steering wheel. He would occasionally glance over at me but said nothing.

Eventually, we arrived at the hotel where Mr Piper's ball was being held. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding when his hand left my thigh.

He opened the centre console and pulled out a Cartier necklace box.

"I got you a necklace. Let me put it on for you," he said and instead of objecting I moved my ponytail as I gave him my back.

I shivered as his fingertips grazed the base of my neck while he clasped on the gold necklace with a diamond hanging at the centre. It matched my mom's bracelet surprisingly well.

"It looks beautiful," I admired the dainty chain being weighed down by the rock.

"Let's go before we get late," he admitted with his eyes on my collarbone and cleavage.

He opened his door and walked around to my side of the car. He put out his hand that I took as I climbed out of the car.

Everyone around started murmuring and pointing as we walked into the hotel. My arm was linked around his and I held onto his bicep.

I felt the muscle contract and relax every time he moved.

"I hope you stocked up on your info about Piper and his associates. This will be a long night of conversations. If you're uncomfortable anywhere, let me know. Just tap my arm twice, I mean it, Nadia. There are mostly old, creepy men here and your safety is my number one priority," Mateo stated holding my hand now.

The elevator was huge but it felt small and the temperature suddenly increased. His eyes locked with mine. They held a strong sense of seriousness and something else that I couldn't quite read.

We reached the floor where the ball was being held and the elevator opened slowly making us put a safe distance between us. We only linked arms when we entered the conference room.

"Tell me if you're uncomfortable. Let's start this shit show," 

Mr Piper came over to us and greeted Mateo before turning over to me.

"Who is this beauty? My, my, has Mateo finally settled. You're beautiful dear," he praised and I looked at Mateo. 

"Actually, this is my personal assistant,"

"Nadia," I greeted as I extended my hand for him to shake.

He lifted my hand to his lips and kissed the top of it. I fought the urge to cringe as the feeling of his dry lips and moustache met my skin.

Mateo sensed my uneasiness and excused us. He led me to the bar and took a seat beside me. He watched, trying to fight his smile, as I removed a baby wipe from my clutch and wiped the area where Piper had kissed.

"Can I get the whiskey on rocks? Matthews what do you want to drink," Mateo asked while the bartender waited for my order.

"I'm okay. I'll just have champagne," I grabbed a flute from a waiter who passed by us with a tray.

"What? No strong drinks tonight?" Mateo asked leaning on the counter.

"No, I need to be coherent to survive this event. Plus, I don't handle my drinks the best,"

"Oh, I know. I kind of hoped I would have the pleasure of helping you home today,"

He was talking about when we first saw each other. I was clutching onto Joshua for dear life while he helped me to the car. I was shit faced.

"Come on. We have people to meet," Mateo chuckled at my embarrassed state as he helped me off the stool.

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