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I woke up with a huge smile on my face. I was still replaying last night in my mind over and over again.

Mateo really kissed me. His lips were on mine.

I took a shower, still cheesing. I threw on a pair of beige athletic shorts with a matching oversized shirt. I pulled on my socks and sneakers before I hauled my bags out of the room.

I found Mateo seated at the dining table, working.

"Good morning," I chirped and he looked up.

His gaze was cold, almost distant.

"Morning," he clipped out.

I pulled out my leftover muffin from the fridge and unwrapped it before taking a bite.

I was leaning on the kitchen island while Mateo sat a few steps away from me. He looked at me eat my cupcake and swallowed before looking back down at his keyboard.

"About last night. It was a mistake and extremely unprofessional of me. I shouldn't have kissed you and I want you to know that there can never be anything between us,"

I felt like I was being repeatedly stabbed in the heart as Mateo continued talking.

I swallowed my cupcake and my tears as I nodded.

I don't even know why I thought we could have something. He's my boss for heaven's sake.

We left for the airport and I tried my best not to sulk as we sat in the seats we were on when we arrived.

At least now you can focus on Liam.

Shit, Liam.

I pulled out my phone and unlocked it. I just realized that I hadn't looked at my phone last night. I just put on the charger and slept.

I unlocked it and found texts from Liam, Cass, Grace and Jess. I quickly replied to Grace and Jess stating that we needed to talk when I got back.

I told Cassandra that I was going to be there somewhere today and she said I better have gifts for her. Sadly we didn't get to buy things because we've been so busy working.

Now Liam.

Liam: you must be knocked out by now, I just wanted to let you know that I'm excited for you to come back. We still have that date to plan ;)

Me: Hey, I'm leaving soon. I should be there in 8 hours.

The text was sent around the same time that Mateo and I were lip locking.

I felt like I was cheating but I wasn't. We weren't together, yet. So this doesn't count.

Plus Mateo said it was a mistake. I agree with him on that. Now I should just focus on making things work with Liam.

I decided to have breakfast before I buried myself in work of my own. I plugged in my earbuds and listened to music while I drew up a progress report for a meeting in two days.

My mind would occasionally wonder off to Mateo but I stirred it back towards my screen.

It's for the best.

I reminding myself as I typed.

Well, more like tried to convince myself.

I sighed and decided to go to the bathroom to splash my face with cold water.

I stretched in my seat, letting out a small sound as my muscles stretched. It was one of those leg shaking stretches.

I got up and walked to the bathroom. I looked myself in the mirror as I ran the tap. I scooped up water and let it hit my face. I felt refreshed after I repeated this process a few more times.

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