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Nadia's POV

My head hurts a lot less than I thought it would. Especially seeing as I don't remember a majority of last night.

Waking up in Mateo's bed has become a norm for me. It's comforting having someone to be with almost every day.

Just as I thought about him he walked out in a towel. The water droplets were still on his torso and hair. God, he looked so good right now.

"You have a little drool right there," Mateo chuckles wiping the corner of his lip jokingly.

I groaned and got up from bed. I needed to shower before I could deal with him.

I walked past Mateo but I was caught and turned into his chest. I shrieked and Mateo chuckled into my neck.

"What no good morning kiss? I thought I'd get one after the goodnight kiss last night," oh please don't let him be telling the truth.

"I- I'm sorry if I was being an idiot. I don't even remember much of last night," I spoke with whatever brain cells I have left.

"Oh, you did a lot last night. I must say, I love hearing how desperate you are you me when you're drunk. Sadly, I don't take advantage of drunk girls" my blood rushed down my face and I wanted the earth to swallow me whole.

"I'm just kidding Matthews, go take a shower. You smell like vodka and perfume," he let me go and I rushed into the bathroom with shaky legs.

I found my stockings, bra, dress and heels in the laundry basket but I don't remember getting undressed. Mateo must have changed me. And wiped my face down because I don't see any signs of makeup when I stared into the mirrors before me.

I opened the shower and let it steam up as I removed Mateo's shirt along with my underwear. I stepped into the shower and looked at the rack where the shower gels were. My shower gel, shampoo, conditioner and facial products were sat next to his shower products. I stared in confusion as I picked up the products to wash my body and face. I ended my shower and stepped out, I wrapped myself in a towel after drying off and brushing my teeth before walking out to find Mateo.

He was in the kitchen pouring cereal into a bowl.

"So when were you going to tell me that you moved me into your house?" I asked standing in the kitchen doorway. He moved his eyes to me and moved back to his bowl of cereal. Pouring his milk.

"Well, you were here all the time anyway. I thought I might kickstart a little bit of it," He replied nonchalantly eating his cereal.

I wanted to throw something at this man's face. He can't possibly think that it's alright to just move me in without asking me.

I sighed and rubbed my temple before looking back at him.

"You can't just move someone into your house without asking them first. Especially not me," I sighed and turned to go back to his room. 

Without a doubt, my body lotions and clothes were in his closet. I groaned and got dressed either way. I decided to start packing up my clothes into the overnight bag I found and halfway through Mateo enters the closet.

"My mom called, they're in town and want us to go over for brunch. Do you want to go?" Mateo asked casually changing into a grey turtleneck and black jeans.

"I'm only going because I like your mom," I stated and changed into a pair of jeans and a sweater with my boots from last night.

I quickly applied some powder and pink lipgloss and threw on a pair of earrings and my mom's necklace.

We left his penthouse in silence and I stared out the window on the ride to his parents' house. I was caught between a rock and a hard place right now.

I really wanted to get back to my own space but I don't want to be alone. I have to admit that I enjoyed Mateo's company but I feel smothered right now.

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