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Nadia's POV

His lips were still as soft as I last remembered them to be.

He wasted no time in kissing me back. His hands pulled my face closer to his while the kiss grew more heated.

My hands moved down to his shirt buttons slowly undoing them. I took this time to straddle him. My skirt rose and bunched around my thighs.

Just when I finally pop the last one open, Mateo pulls away.

"We can't," he says and I pull away from him with a confused look on my face.

"Why?" I ask in genuine bafflement.

"You're vulnerable right now and I don't think I could live with myself knowing that I took advantage of you," he explained but made no effort on moving me off his lap.

"You aren't taking advantage of me, Mateo. I want this. No, I need this. I need you," I breathed out in reply and I felt him harden under me.

"Say it again," Mateo demands lifting me up when he stood. Carrying me without a problem.

"Say what?" I asked staring down at him since my face was higher than his.

"Say you need me. I want to hear you beg for me," he replied and walked up the stairs with me still in his arms.

"Please, Mateo. I need you. Please touch me," I begged almost breathlessly.

He opened his room door and pressed me against it once it closed.

"I love the way you moan my name. You don't know what it does to me,"

Mateo leaned in and kissed my neck making me tilt my head back and I melted in his arms.

I pushed my hips to press into him, grinding to create some friction. I feel like I'm about to burst if I don't get touched soon.

Mateo moved us from the door to the bed. He put me down and connected our lips again.

I moaned as he pulled my bottom lip between his teeth. I lifted my hands into his hair and drew him closer.

His hand rose up to my waist and up again until he reached my shirt. He unbuttoned my shirt and pushed it away from my chest.

Mateo pulled away and moved his lips to my neck. He reached my sensitive spot and sucked on it. His tongue rubbed over the skin after that.

I knew I'd have to deal with a bunch of hickeys on my neck by the time he moved down to my covered breasts.

I lifted myself to my forearms and removed my shirt. I reached behind me and unhooked my bra, tossing it with my shirt somewhere on his floor.

"You're so beautiful," Mateo came down to my chest and placed kisses along my upper chest line.

His mouth finally landed on my nipple, sucking and biting each of them lightly.

The only thing that left my mouth were moans, his name and gibberish.

Mateo left my chest and continued his journey down my body. He unbuttoned my skirt and pulled it down my legs. This left me in my thong, garter belt and thigh-high stockings.

I decided to wear a full set of lingerie today to make myself feel better and it's paying off now.

"Blue looks good on you but I'm going to need these off," with that Mateo pulled off my thong.

He trailed his hand up my leg from my knee up to my upper thigh. He drummed his fingers on my upper thigh, reaching closer to where I wanted him but never touched me.

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