Twenty Nine | Merda

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I set my glass down, taking a moment to pause the endless waiting when a name lights up on my work cell.

Alessio. He's calling. Probably to ask where I am and what I'm doing.

I honestly don't know if I can lie to him.

I decide to answer anyways, bringing the phone to my ear. "Hey boss." I answer curtly.

"Aaliyah. I know you're gone. You guys are looking for her aren't you? Cazzo! Lei ci ha tradito!" Fuck! She betrayed us! He lets out with a frustrated sigh.

"You don't fucking know that Alessio. Those pictures of her talking with someone she went to high school with don't prove shit. I swear on everything, I know she isn't a snitch. I can't even comprehend why you believe she is. Lo persone vedono quello che vogolino." People see what they want. I finish, hanging up on him.

I'll admit, it pisses me off that even Alessio would doubt her so easily considering all the time they spend together.

Aisling hasn't been anything but honest even though I can see how hard it's been for her.

"Aaliyah!" I hear Valentina yell. "Aisling called!"

I rush back on over to the living room in an instant. Dante looks up, a twinge of a smile hinting at his lips.

"Aisling will be back from Ireland soon. She'll call when she's back." He states, almost passively. Dante is rather good at hiding his emotions but I don't miss the relief he displays. "She says thank you. To all three of us."


"She's worried. She doesn't know who to trust but I think it helped knowing we are looking out for her."

"Alessio called me." I announce, turning both their heads. "He knows. We, uh, had a tiny little heated conversation. He's a little pissed."

"Merda." Valentina mumbles.

"Non me ne frega un cazzo." I don't give a fuck. Dante claims bluntly. He's been particularly indifferent towards Alessio since Aisling came into the picture.

"I'll go see how Leo's doing."

"It's okay, I can do it." Valentina volunteers, hopping up and running off to the computer room.

"Wanna talk about it?" I sigh, plopping down next to Dante on the plush couch.

"There's nothing to talk about."

"Come on. I've known you for 12 years and I've never seen you like this."

"Yeah? Well, Maybe you just don't know me." He snarls.

My eyes turn to slits as I glare at him agitatedly.

"She asked me about him on the phone. I could hear the disappointment in her voice when I said he had trouble trusting her."

"She likes him."

"I know. I just wish it was me. I guess if I'm making wishes, I wish I met her first."

"I know it hurts now, but it will get better." He gave me a look almost scoffing at my cheesy basic advice. Sometimes, the simple route is the best option. "Trust me, I really do know. I've had to do the same recently."

"Marcelo?" I nod. We went out but it turns out he is falling for someone else. He was a good man, admitting the truth.

"I don't think Aisling knows you feel this way though. Are you going to tell her?" I look to him.

"No. I can already see, it won't make any difference but piss off Alessio. Si amano. Conosco mio cugino." They love each other. I know my cousin.

"I'm sorry, I know it sucks." I know those words aren't exactly comforting, but at least he knows he has me when it all falls apart.

"Ditto." He responds as I gently rest my head on his shoulder.

Silence overcame us and the only sound I could hear was our slow breathing until we both eventually drift off.


I woke up to my arm wrapped around Aaliyah as she slept soundly nuzzled into my shoulder. I don't move, it's oddly comforting.

I'd always seen Aaliyah as a friend, but sitting here with her now, it feels like something more is simmering beneath the surface.

I stay like that, not wanting to really move, until I hear the phone ringing. I get up, gently laying Aaliyah down on the couch, and grab the phone from the kitchen counter.

"Aisling?" I answer, recognizing the number.

"Yeah it's me. I just landed. I'm headed to a safe house on Long Island."

"We'll be there."

"There's something else. Alessio is in New York, he wants to meet." My eyes went wide.

"Okay, don't go alone. We'll come with. We can talk about it more when we get there."

Alessio definitely has some sort of plan in motion. I got to stop him before he makes another mistake.

One more and he just might lose the only woman he's ever loved.

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