Thirty Three | To Do

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I've always been one to keep a journal, even if I don't make regular entries about my life.

I just sort of jot stuff down, write random pieces, sometimes let out some feelings if I need to rant.

One thing that I've always done when I'm overwhelmed is make lists. Seeing an organized order of what I have to get done helps me plan around things and make it as easy and stress free as possible while still being smart about it.

Unfortunately, the things I have to do tonight won't come without any stress but a list will help me get it all done efficiently.

- To Do List -

~ Call Nate

~ Go to storage unit

~ Meet up with Nate @ Lagoona, pickup bugs, & phone, then Drop Nate off

~Wait for Okay from Dante, bug Josephine's car

~Go to Lagoona bar, Call Aedan

~ Meet Alessio's abductors

~ Grab Alessio & Gio, dip before Derry finds me.

~Call Aliyah, Drop the guys off in the car outside and break into Derry's office while he's occupied

~ Get the license plate # and get the hell out.

What a busy night is ahead for me.

I hop up from the desk, suddenly ready for anything tonight may throw at me.

I have my suspicions about Alessio's abductors but nothing will be confirmed until I meet them.

I give Nate a call, letting him know my plan, and everything I need from him.

To my delight, he agrees. Now that the first step to my plan has been set in motion, I get up to change quickly.

I slip off my sweats, pull on my holster leggings—With pockets, that's the only way to go— and throw on a tank top over my bralette.

I run into the closet and grab the bulletproof vest, courtesy of Derry (not really, I stole a few one time when I snuck into a restricted training area of our estate), I pull a black zip up over it. Of course, I add an oversized leather jacket a top and lastly a pair of matte doc martens.

Everything in black, as always.

I check myself in the mirror to find the oversized clothing hides the kevlar well.

I pass the living room on the way out; catching the eye of Josephine, Aaliyah, and Dante.

"Where are you headed?" Aaliyah calls out.

"I'm meeting Nate, he uh, wanted to chat." Aaliyah nods, and Josephine eyes me carefully.

"Do you need someone to go with you?" Aaliyah chirps.

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