Two | I'm only protecting you

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I hastily snatch my purse and coat before rushing out the door.

I know I have to go see my father.

It's my only option for answers at this point. I mean, he is Greg's boss, this had to be a mistake, he wouldn't challenge his own boss like that.

Everyone knows that it wouldn't be a fight he could win.

Basically, Greg's an idiot, probably a coward too.

The once blue skies had transformed to several shades of gray clouds and rain pours down, collecting in puddles on the ground.

I hurry to my car, holding my jacket over my head, cloaking my face and hair to evade the wet droplets that showered the air.

Slamming the door shut as soon as I'm all the way in, I throw my purse on the passenger seat, and sit in the silence for a few moments.

Moving to start up the car, I glance at the rear view mirror and see a blink of a dark figure dart into the backyard that makes me freeze momentarily. I turn the car on.

Fuck fuck fuck!

I quickly take off, not wanting to come face to face with whoever this person. I know how to protect myself and I will fight them, if it comes to that. Let's just hope it doesn't.

How the hell did they even find me here?

As I near the entrance to the long driveway I notice an unfamiliar car, a black Audi with silver detailing, parked on the side of the gravel road.

I slow down, snatching a pen from the middle compartment and scribble down the license plate before hitting the gas again, and speeding away.


I drive for hours in complete and utter silence. I watch as the day swiftly passed me by. I moved out on my own to escape this life. Here I am, being reeled back in.

A few tears slowly ran down my face as I thought back to Kevin. He worked for my father. We met at the house, I fell for him like an idiot. Kevin and I dated for 7 months, he was the first man I ever loved.

I was young, I was naive. I believed all the things Kevin told me and in the end he couldn't wait for me to put out so he cheated on me with some random girl.

My father found out and I heard him screaming at Kevin the next morning, saying that he had already warned him about me, whatever that means.

Afterwards, Kevin vanished, he stopped answering, and when I went to see him he was gone. He was 18 and lived alone but I staked out his place, and went to his older sister, she didn't even know where he was.

I try not to think about what happened. I really do hope Kevin is okay.

Even after everything he put me through, he doesn't deserve anything as extreme as death for it.

Kev was my first love, I'll never forget the good memories we made.

Although I'm a romantic at heart, I knew that my own heart would be the death of me.

Sadly, I yearn for a love that simply just does not exist.

I didn't choose this life but I do have to live with the consequences of it. The fact that people like me aren't mean't for love, even if it was the one thing that consumed me entirely on the inside.

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