Ten | Buongiorno

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Her long and luxuriant strands lay across the pillow messily as she slept so peacefully. It was early still, so I let her sleep. She had nodded off laying next to me last night. Soon after I had carried her into the house and laid next to her, admiring the marvelous beauty she held so naturally, before I ended up falling asleep myself.

I had noticed her collection of tattoos when I saw her at her apartment, but now I'm up close and I just wanna inquire about each and every one of them. She seems to always wear long sleeves or jackets out, maybe in an attempt to hide them? But why? The intricate art beautifully accents her luminous olive skin. I was perfectly aware that I had many things to do today but I figure, they can wait.

I've learned a bit about Aisling in the time we've spent together lately. Like for one, she's extremely good at hiding her emotions. I look at her and expect to be able to read her face and most of the time, I can't, I have no clue what she's thinking and it drives me insane.

I honestly didn't expect last night to go as well as it did, considering her frank hesitation, but every moment with her is so extraordinary to me and I just don't want it to end. We both opened up a little and for the first time, I actually didn't mind it. I notice her eyes fluttering open. Her expression groggy as she lazily leans up in a daze. I can't help but smile. "Buongiorno, mia dolcezza" I greet with a husky voice. Her face turns to shock as she registers that I'm in bed next to her.

"What happened?" She asks hesitantly, glancing down to her body to confirm her clothes were still there. I can't help but chuckle.

"You fell asleep outside. I didn't wanna wake you, so I brought you inside." I stated, matter of factly.

"Oh. Well thank you. I should go." She says as she shoots out of the bed. I instantly notice her not-so-subtle eyeing of my shirtless body and I smirk.

"Aw, come on. Let me make breakfast first?" I grin widely, leaning back on my arms against the headboard. She didn't seem too pleased with the sleeping arrangement but after last night I know I just can't stop chasing her.

The feelings I hold for her are so foreign, I barely know what to do or how to act in her presence. I've fallen perplexed trying to comprehend the tiny inkling in my mind that has grown to full blown fact by now. I care for her deeply, and I desire for her to be mine. The more I discern about about her, the more I want to know everything. I've never been one to be tied down though, but I just can't ignore the very real emotions that only she can make me feel. My feelings are definitely all over the place.

"Okay, fine. I'm just going to wash up quickly while you cook. I can take over so you can shower after I'm finished." She relents before waltzing into the bathroom, never failing to mesmerize me with the extents to which her beauty and allure reach, it simply cannot be contained. I hop out of bed and lay out some sweats and a t shirt of mine. I jot down a note saying "for you, dolcezza" and leave it on top of the clothes before I head over to start prepping breakfast in the kitchen.

I begin assembling a waffle mix. Meanwhile eggs are being boiled, and bacon is being cooked in the oven. When I finally look up from what I'm doing I see her walk in. Never has someone looked better in sweats than her.

The baggy pants and oversized shirt attempted to hide her figure but her bubble butt popped out and the words on the chest of the shirt were on display by her perky breasts. Her wet hair hangs down in dripping strands of slacked curls. The skin on her face illuminates her naturally dazzling tan complexion under the sunlight that shines in brightly through the window. How can someone possibly be so beautiful? Nobody could ever hold a candle to her.

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