Twenty Four | A Woman With a Plan

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I keep my head low, trying to be inconspicuous, my eyes on alert for Valentina, or Gio. I seriously don't know what's gotten into him.

Gio has been extra upset lately. Apparently, he's found 'evidence' that Aisling is a traitor. It's all circumstantial though, and I haven't believed it for a second. The thing is, Gio has been adamant about doing something about it. He's been pressuring Alessio for the past two days, and I am not okay with it.

I know that Alessio didn't believe it, his eyes told me that much but if anyone has sway with Alessio, other than Aisling herself, it's Gio. I worry the more Gio pushes these ideas towards Alessio, he'll give into them.

Aisling has gone missing or run away, whatever it is, it's not exactly helping her case with Alessio.

The absurdity of it is, nobody has even talked to Aisling, all just assuming she's betrayed us.

I'm an extremely good judge of character and I know I wasn't wrong about Aisling.

I just need to prove it.

That's where my plan comes into play.

I'm rallying the two other people that I know will help me.

I walk into the sparring room, of course she's in here. I run over and grab Valentina's arm pulling her out of the room without a word.

"Aaliyah? What the hell?" I remain firm in my grip and direction.

"I'll explain in a moment. Just come with me." She nods without hesitation, continuing to follow me.

I pull her into an empty meeting room. "You up for something risky?" She cocks her head, telling me to go on. "You remember that girl you met, Aisling." Her eyes flash with recognition and she nods. "She's in danger. Gio thinks that she's betrayed us, that's why we were moved here but I don't believe it."

"What about boss? He likes her, yes?" More than likes her, the man is fucking whipped. I honestly never thought I'd see the day. Valentina probably knew since he'd strangely stopped hanging out at the strip club, she works there.

"I don't think he believes it, but Gio is his second hand man and they've practically been brothers all their lives. His opinion matters to Alessio, and I'm afraid of what Gio wants to do. He's acting crazy, I don't understand any of it." Valentina nods.

"I don't believe it either." Valentina agreed. "How can I help?" I smile. I was prepared to do this by myself if I had to but I thought it better to have some backup.

"You, me, and hopefully someone else are going to fly back to New York tonight. Then we'll use the empty house to do some investigating. We'll also have to make some contact with her friends and family." I remember her telling me about how she was never really close with her siblings, and they are too close to Derry.

Her cousin Nate seems like a promising choice. Aisling spoke highly of him and said she was closer with him than the rest of her family.

"Who might come with us?"

"Dante, and I know just where to find him." Her eyes widen.

"Wait but what if he doesn't believe us? He could tell Gio and Boss." Valentina questions reasonably.

"Well if he weren't to believe us, we'd have to take him with us to ensure he didn't tell anyone. Though, I've got a feeling that he won't hesitate." Considering he's got a thing for Aisling...

That girl has not one but two De Lucas pining.

A miracle worker, I tell you.

I have known Dante long enough to know that he doesn't talk to anyone, let alone offer to drive them home, or look at them the way he does Aisling.

Practically everyone could tell there was some between Aisling and Alessio. No doubt Dante doesn't want to start a fight.

I feel bad for him, because to me, it's clear Aisling has major feelings for Alessio.

I lead Valentina straight to the bar. Dante's regularly there but more so since Aisling has been around.

My gaze scans the room, searching for the brooding tattooed man drinking his feelings away.

I spot him sulking in a corner, sitting in a booth alone, with a glass in hand. We walk over and stop in front of the table, our shadows making ourselves known.

"Dante." His brows furrow as he looks up towards us. "Aisling is in trouble." Concern flickers across his face before his mask is back on, hiding any emotion that may betray him.

"I know. I've heard Gio's endless rants about her being a traitor." He says blankly, staring into space.

"You don't believe him, do you?" I share a cautious glance with Valentina.

"Fuck no. He's got it all wrong but he won't stop waving his 'proof' around like a madman." He makes a point to gesture air quotes around the word proof.

"Come with us."

"Where?" He raises a brow, intrigued.

"We'll start in New York, then wherever we need to go to find Aisling." He nods confidently and stands up, prominently towering over the both of us. "Go, pack a bag, and we'll all meet out back at midnight. Don't mention a word of this to anyone." I tell them before turning on my heel and heading out.

I walk back to my room feeling a little more relieved.

We'll find you Aisling, and then we'll get this all sorted out.

A/N - Queen Riri as our girl Aaliyah.

This felt like a good place to stop but I loved writing this chapter, there will be more of her pov too!!

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