Twelve | Alessio has friends

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A/N : 4725 words, kinda long ass chapter. I tried to separate it into two parts but I felt as this all needed to go together. <3 Vote & comment but thank you for reading, it really means a lot.


"Hmm. Small world." I shrug as I take a moment to laugh at my ridiculous self . Of course I would go out and end up at one of Alessio's businesses. His enormous ego probably has him thinking I came looking for him.

"Why haven't you answered any of my messages?" He raises his brow inquisitively.

He texted me? I wonder what he said. "Oh, um, I've just been really stressed. I guess I needed some time alone, away from everybody. I kind of took out the SIM card from my phone so I couldn't be reached." I admit.

He laughs like it's the most hilarious thing he's heard today. "Wow. You would go to great lengths for your peace and quiet wouldn't you?" He says jokingly and I just shrug. "My father and brother paid me a visit today. He said to 'stay far away from Alessio De Luca.'" I deepen my voice to mock my father's condescending tone, as my expression mocks his angry one. Alessio breaks into laughter yet again.

"And what did you say?" Alessio asks curiously.

"That I can do what I want, and that I'm not scared of him or any of his threats."

"Threats?" He inquires, I shrug in response.

"He wasn't specific, just that I wouldn't enjoy what's to come." I roll my eyes.

"That doesn't sound good dolcezza..." Alessio looks at me worriedly.

"It's okay. I've dealt with him my whole life. I can handle him." I shrug it off.

"Okay, well text me back when you decide to end your sudden break from the world. I'll leave you to it." He smiles. No doubt, he's still curious about my freakout the other morning.

"Wait! Join me?" Baddddd idea! Very very bad idea!

He smirks and sits himself in the open seat next to me. He does a simple nod to the bartender and she begins preparing drinks.

"I know you don't like help. I just wanna put this out there. From now on anytime you need help with anything, especially your father, you let me know. You're my, uh, friend so I'm here for you, okay?" My eyes soften, all I can seem to manage is a nod. I have to remind myself who he is, he seems so different when I'm around him, but I've heard of the things he's done. I know he's this ruthless mafia leader, that's just never what comes to my mind when I see him. "So what's up with your timeout from everyone?"

"It just gets to be too much sometimes. I hide many things from people and I feel like if I can't escape people for a little bit every once in a while, then I'll break. I don't even know what would happen, but I know it'd be bad."

Alessio leans in closer. "You can always tell me anything." I can feel my damn heart thudding strongly in my chest.

The bartender brings over Alessio's drink coupled with a refill for me. I take the glass in my hand to my mouth, chugging the remainder of my drink and sliding it on the table. She rushes to retrieve the glass and I smile and nod to her appreciatively. I look over to find Alessio just sitting there, openly staring at me. "You know, I have to be somewhere in a little bit. Why don't you come with me?"

"Ehh, I don't know..."

"It'll be fun, you would get to meet my other friends, well really, their family to me." He smiles. This caught my attention because I really did wanna know more about this mysterious man, he never talks about other people in his life, to be honest I didn't really know if he had any friends aside from the ones he works with, he just doesn't seem like too much of a friendly guy. Hell, I'm still wondering why he's even friends with me.

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