Chapter: 2

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*So Hyun’s POV*

Getting up to get ready for the hunt, I wore a shirt with a leather jacket and jeans. Jane wore the same style. Going to another room where we keep our weapons, I took out a few bombs and a smoke bomb. There were some crowbars and baseball bat’s.

Being set, we headed out. The city wasn’t like what is was before the virus. It was completely different. The virus threads spread around everywhere, no inch not covered with that disease. Since we were used to it, we weren’t that disgusted.

But, sometimes looking at the horrible scenery makes us want to gag. The pungent smell invades our nostrils and we cover it with our fingers until it’s gone.

We reached the usual place where we find survivors and noticed it was awfully quiet. So we started talking to keep ourselves calm.

“So, when we find a healthy person we’ll have to arrange the other apartments room”, I said. “Oh, you mean 'that' other apartment?”, Jane asked. “Yeah”, I said.

“Oh, heavens no, I’m not cleaning that disgusting, horrible, weird, creepy…”, she was cut by my smack on the back of head.

“Stop complaining, your not going to do it alone, I’ll help you…”, she opened her mouth to complain again, but my words made her think otherwise. “But if you start complaining, I’ll make you do it all by yourself”, I said teasingly.

“OK, OK, I’ll do it. I won’t complain”, she said with her hands up in defeat. We both laughed and headed our way. After some walking, we came to an unusual place. We stayed quiet and looked around.

Jane was 3 meters in front of me while I was behind her. Looking around here and there for survivors, we heard a low groan, 20 meters behind us.

Upon hearing the groan, we halted in our steps. Our eyes widened, we turned around slowly making sure to not make any quick movements and were now facing an inhumane figure, the sight was horrible.

The thing in front of us, what once was called a “Human”, is now infected by the virus. The creature’s face couldn’t be described as it was covered with a black colored liquid and veins were popping out from various directions.

A creature like that couldn’t possibly be called a human.

It walked in a wobbly way as if it had no bones and would make a very loud high pitched screeching sound if it found the target it’s looking for. They are partially blind and have sharp hearing sense. So one quick move and we’re goners.

They can be stunned by moving an object around in random directions which could buy us some time to find an escape route.

I looked over at Jane to the left then made eye contact with the zombie. I stretched both my arms in front of my body and waved my fingers to stun it for a while. The zombie looked confused, that’s when I whispered to Jane. “Jane, go as far away as possible, slowly”, I whispered and Jane nodded.

Jane, not leaving her eyes off from the zombie started moving backwards. While moving away from the zombie she didn’t look where she was stepping and stepped on a metal rod. The sound of the rod was loud enough for the zombie to hear and thus it moved in Jane’s direction.

One more thing, "Once it’s locked its target it never looks for another one, unless a sound is made". With that, Jane and I both looked at eachother.

“Run!”, I screamed and we both ran. I was running in front of Jane now, she was a meter behind me. While running away from the zombie we came in the middle of a traffic. It was a crossroad.

I took a sharp left turn and hid by the building. Jane was about to run further away, but I was quick and grabbed Jane by the waist, pulled her beside me and put my hand on her mouth as well as mine.

The zombie came in the middle of the road and searched for Jane, then left. We both sighed. I looked at my left and saw Jane was breathing heavily. “Hey? You okay?”, I asked. “Yeah, I guess”, she said in between her heavy pants.
I was about to sigh once more, but then I quickly covered both our mouths. The zombie which we thought had gone, was on my right.

It’s face just a few inches away from mine, but it wasn’t looking at me, instead it was trying to hear a sign of movement.

Staying there for good 10 minutes, it went back. We stayed in our original position for a while just to be sure that it’s gone.

I removed my hand from Jane’s mouth and put my index finger on my lips, indicating her to keep quiet.

Slowly moving out from my hiding, I looked around for any sign of Mr. Zombie. Thinking the coast is clear, I gave Jane the signal to come out. She obeyed and came over releasing a heavy sigh. “That was a close one”, she said.

“Yeah, no kidding”, I said. “We should get going”, I reminded Jane and she nodded. We continued our way, but stopped as soon as we heard many groans coming from behind us. We looked back and saw about 15 zombies.

“They just don’t give up do they?”, I asked. “So Hyun, there are 15”, she reminded.

“Remember the plan?”, I asked and Jane nodded. “Alright Jane, put on your mask and run”, I said and Jane ran catching the attention of all the zombies who started running towards her. “Die”, with that being said I threw a bomb and the sound of it colliding with the ground caught their attention.

I made a run for it and the bomb exploded in the background. I ran to our apartment complex and before entering I made sure to check if there isn’t anyone following me.

The coast was clear and I went to our house. Knocking on the door 3 times and looking behind to check once again, I was pulled in the house by Jane.

“Are you hurt? Are you OK? Did you get infected?...”, she asked questions non stop and I cut her off by saying. “I’m fine”, I reassured her. “Oh, ok”, she said.

“That was fun though”, I lightly laughed. “Fun?!...”, Jane yelled. “Oh, boy”, I said. I had forgotten that in these situations you should not say stuff like that in front of Jane.

“You think this was fun?! How could this be fun So Hyun? This was clearly dangerous! You could have died!”, she scolded me. “But I’m still alive”, I said with a little shrug and went to take a shower.

“How can you just shrug it off like that?! Hey?! I’m talking to you!”, she called for me but I didn’t listen and went straight to the bathroom.

Jane stormed to our room.

After taking shower, it was Jane’s turn. I was looking for her, but didn’t find her in the room, thinking she was in the kitchen I went to take a look. Once I got there Jane wasn’t there. I panicked a little and checked the weapons room and she wasn’t there either.

Our apartment is small, how can she not be found? Plus she wouldn’t want to wander off at this time. Would she?

I checked the whole house 3 times, but still didn’t find her.

Where is she?

A thought came in my mind.

What if she went to clean the other apartment herself?

Taking my jacket off the chair and running to the door, I was stopped by Jane’s voice, “Where are you going this late?”, she asked. “I… where?... You?”, I was lost for words. “I was at the gallery”, she said. I just nodded and put the jacket back on the chair and went to our room.

*Jane’s POV*


I scratched my head after the comment and went to take a bath.

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