Chapter : 16

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*Jason’s POV*

After I had told Jessica to give the girls a tour, I went to talk to Jake. I saw him in his room checking the radio. I knocked on the door before entering. “Hey, man…”, I said and Jake looked at me with a smile. “Bro, I didn’t greet you properly, come here!”, he said while pulling me into a tight hug.

“Get some rest too. You look scarier than those zombies out there”, Jake said while looking closely at my face. I gave him a sad smile before speaking. “Uh… Yeah before that, I want to tell you something…”, I waited to see his reaction and as expected he was no longer the goofy Jake I know. “Go ahead”, he said while passing me a chair before seating himself in front of me.

“It’s about-”, I was cut by Jake. “It’s about Wanda and Kate isn’t it?” he asked. “Once again you knew what I was gonna say”, I laughed lightly before tears filled my eyes after remembering the girls faces. “What happened to them?”, he asked while rubbing my arm. “They got infected, it’s because I… I left them”, I said.

“Before blaming yourself, think about the situation you were in, then tell me what happened”, Jake said while crossing his arms. “Of course it was me. How can I be so careless, I left them there, abandoned. They’re gone because of me”, I spoke. “Chill, Jason. I bet a hundred percent it wasn’t your fault, you’re not someone who’d leave anyone behind…”, Jake put his hand on my shoulder and continued to comfort me.

“This hunt was a big one for you, bro. Get some rest, I’m sure you’ll feel better. Don’t try and blame it on yourself for being the cause of their loss, you hear me?”, Jake said sternly. “Yeah, I got it. Thanks man”, I said and gave him a bro hand shake before leaving to get some fresh air.

*No one’s POV*

So Hyun looked behind and saw Jason making his way towards her before seating himself beside her on another crate. “Mind if I join?”, he asked. “Sure”. “So… How was the tour?”, Jason asked while looking ahead. “It was good, I met with people, found out what you guys do around here and got Jane into a mess”, So Hyun finished her sentence and Jason looked at her with a confused expression.

“What happened to Jane?”, he asked. “Well, a guy named Brian, hypnotized her and made her into a jello”, she answered. “Oh, him. He does that a lot. It’s his way of having fun”, Jason said with a sigh. “Hmm”. “Are you angry?”, he asked. “No. Why?”. “Well, you don’t trust people that easily and you met with a weirdo on your first day, so I assumed you would be pissed?”, Jason stated.

“Yeah well, I do think he has an advantage with his hypnotic abilities, don’t get me wrong I was a bit pissed at first, but he failed to hypnotize me, so I’m cool with it”, So Hyun shrugged like it was no big deal and Jason’s eyes widened. “Wait, what?!”, Jason yelled.

“What?”, So Hyun asked, completely oblivious. “You didn’t get hypnotized?”, he asked. “Yeah”, she answered. “And he flirted with you?”, Jason asked looking forward to So Hyun’s answer.

“Isn’t that how he hypnotizes his victims?”, So Hyun stated the obvious and Jason balled his fists before licking his lips. “Why are you suddenly tense?”, she asked. “Huh? What? Nah nothing”, Jason said while relaxing his hand. “OK, sooo whose the person you have a crush on?”, So Hyun asked like a little curious kid.

“Why do you ask? I didn’t think you were the type to be interested in these things”, Jason said with a surprised face. “There’s a lot you don’t know about me, now spill”, So Hyun urged Jason to answer her question and he scoffed.

“I already told you guys, I have no one in mind”. “Nah, you probably do have someone in mind. Who is it? Is it Jane?”, So Hyun asked and Jason replied, more like shouted. “No!”. “OK then, Eunji?”, So Hyun continued to ask. “No”, he replied.

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