Chapter: 3

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*Jane’s POV*

After taking shower, I came out of the bathroom while drying my hair and saw So Hyun at the gallery. I whispered to myself. “She’s probably having fresh air”, I whispered and started blow drying my hair.

“Hey… “, she called. “Yeah?”, I answered. “Are you sure, you can stay here a little longer?”, she asked. “I’m going to be by your side no matter what. We’ll do everything together, so don’t even think about going solo”, I answered.

“Thanks, I’m glad to have you”, she said. “And I’m glad to have you… ”, I said. “But… What about the apartment we had to disinfect?”, I asked. “Uh… we didn’t find any survivors yet so… let’s see to it tomorrow”, she answered.

With that I nodded, till then my hair was dried and we both went to bed. We both share the same bed since we don’t have any vacant room.

*So Hyun’s POV*

It was late at night and I was sleeping peacefully, until the bed started moving. The bed kept moving and ruined my sleep. I opened my eyes out of frustration and turned to my left only to find Jane tossing and turning about. The room was lit up by the moonlight coming from the gallery.

I noticed Jane was lying straight and had a frown on her face. She started muttering a few words. She moved her head lightly from left to right. I decided to wake her up. I moved her arm lightly.

“Hey, Jane?”, I tried waking her up but she seemed to be very indulged in her dream. “Jane get up… Jane?... Hey, Jane wake up!”, this time I yelled and successfully woke her. She woke up with a loud gasp and sat up straight almost immediately.

“Hey, you okay?”, I asked. She turned her head towards me and instantly hugged me tight. I was startled by her action but, I hugged her back.

“So Hyun… I had a nightmare”, she said and started crying silently.“Oh, so did you see us as clowns?”, I joked to make her feel better, but sadly, it didn’t work and only made it worst. “Hey! Stop joking around, it was scary”, she said in between her sobs.

“Oops, sorry, what did you see?”, I asked. “I saw us doing our normal routine of saving survivors, but this time you got infected. While still being conscious u told me to... To… Kill you… I did as you told and… Saw you die in front of me… I… I didn’t do anything and just watched you die…”, she finished and started crying out loud.

“Oh, umm… Hey don’t worry, nothing will happen to us, until I’m around OK? And that was just a dream… “, I was cut off by Jane. “Nightmare”, she said. “Right a dream or nightmare whatever it is, just know that we’ll be together and we’re partners, you got that?”, I finished.

“Partners…”, she whispered and I smiled before releasing the hug. “I’ll get some milk for us”, I said. With that I went to the kitchen and got milk into two mugs. Once I went back to the room I saw Jane sitting straight with her back against the bed.

I passed her the mug and we both silently drank our milk. Once we finished I extended my arm in order to get Jane’s mug and put it back in the kitchen.

After cleaning the mugs and setting them on the counter I made my way back to our room only to find a girl who just got up from a nightmare, sleeping peacefully. I smiled at her sleeping figure and slept.

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