Chapter : 29 [The Fight-III]

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*No one’s POV*

Jason grunted while trying to get rid of the zombie. “Get off!”, he yelled before kicking it and shook it off his body. He punched it in the stomach and it moved back due to the sudden blow. Jason then ran into the zombie and pushed it with his shoulder.

The zombie shattered the glass window and went flying out of the ship and landed on the deck. Jason sighed before looking at Ben who started moving his hands slowly. “Ben, you okay?”, Jason asked while helping Ben to sit up straight.

“Did we win?”, Ben asked while holding his lower abdomen with his right hand. “Not yet, buddy”, Jason said before looking around the ship. “Come on. On your feet”, Jason said while helping Ben to stand up.

With the help of Jason, both the guys went to the top floor only to find So Hyun and Jake standing in front of each other. “So Hyun?”, Jason called out to her. “Come on, So Hyun. You remember what I told you?”, Jake said with an evil smirk plastered on his face.

“What is he saying, So Hyun?”, Jason asked and she turned around, facing him with a face full of regret. “I’m sorry, Jason”, she said. “What do you mean sorry? What’s going on?”, Jason asked Jake. “Tell her, So Hyun”, he said and Jason looked at So Hyun deeply.

So Hyun licked her lips before parting her lips to begin her explanation. “While we were packing…”

*So Hyun’s POV*

I was packing my stuff like Jason told us to. Jessica had already finished and went to join the others. I was almost done when I heard the door open from behind. I turned around only to find the last person I wanted to see. Jake.

“Hey~”, he said with a flirty smirk. “What do you want”, I asked and continued packing my stuff before closing my bag and turned to leave the room, but was confronted by Jake who stood just inches away from my face.

“Stop with the ‘I’m innocent’ look, say what you have to say and get out”, I said. “Gosh your so stubborn. Now I know why Jason chose you…”, there was a long pause and we both glared at each other before he continued. "You know? I never liked you". "Oh! What a coincidence, that makes the two of us", I said sarcastically. “I’m here to tell you to join me”, he finished.

“No thanks”, I said. “I wasn’t asking”, Jake said before pulling out a gun from his pocket and pointed it near my head. “If you don’t then, I’ll take your life right here, right now”, he threatened. “Do you think this a game? You’re killing people for no reason and turning them into your puppets to control”, I stated.

“Pretty much”, he shrugged. “I’m not joining you”, I said and he pushed the guns end closer to my head. “What if I say, I’ll kill everyone precious to you? Will that make you join me?”, he said with a cheeky grin. “You wouldn’t”, I said.

“That’s what you think”, he said and stared into my soul. “So, what’s it gonna be?”, he asked.

*Present time*
*No one’s POV*

After So Hyun explained Jason spoke, “So Hyun you said you trust me”. “I do Jason, I do trust you, but I’m sorry. He’ll kill you if I don’t listen to him”, So Hyun said while trying to fight the urge to cry. Jake on the other hand pulled out a gun from his pocket and pointed it towards Jason.

“You said you won’t hurt him if I come with you!”, So Hyun yelled at Jake who shrugged before speaking, “Since when did I keep my word?”. Just then Jason spotted the same zombie he fought with back in the ship, slowly making its way towards So Hyun, ready to pounce.

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